• I’m trying to figure out a way to have my index.php show categories with the most recent posts beneath them. This would be the only post-related content, as everything would be linked to the archive files. Similar to a newspaper’s website, what I’d like to have is
    – Post
    – Post
    Another Category
    – Post
    – Post
    Each one of these posts will have multiple categories, but will be sorted only based on certain stats. I was originally thinking of just using an RSS feed reader on my front page, but I think that would cause more problems than it’s worth. I know I can limit what categories are shown using $cat. Is there anything I’m missing here? This would just require editing the loop to show only the categories/posts, right? Another question – how can I make a designated number of posts show up under each category (different numbers for different categories)? I was thinking there was some way to do it by date, but I’m not too sure how to do it.
    I used to be good at web design back in the days of HTML 4 – I’m still learning all this php stuff. Thanks for any help.

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  • I’ve been thinking a lot about this as well.
    one immediate thought:
    It would seem easiest to use sidebar plugins like recent activity, recent posts, etc and then display them in a horzontal manner, as opposed to a vertical / sidebar method.
    however, this would beg the problem of how to implement this fully. As wp wants to parse all data through the index.php, things could get really messy.
    however, have a look here (when it’s done being moved) and check out how this user applied this idea.
    it’s lovely, and in one fell swoop changes the blog index concept from “no one’s going to read all this” to “what a lovely site!”
    but the question is: how does he get around the index.php pothole?

    Thanks for the kind words.
    I’d love to elaborate on this, but I’m not sure I understand the question entirely. If you’re referring to the way I’m separating “sidenotes” from “main content”, I’m using Kitten’s Categories for that magic. It allows you to 1: create multiple post loops. 2: hide all but one category OR show all but one category in either post loop.
    So, hide all but “sidenotes” category for the first post loop, and show all but “sidenotes” for my main post loop.

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