• Hello,

    I’m trying to “fix” the category and archive listings to link the post count… to fix some display issues I have in my theme (a custom one).

    Can someone please tell me why this code works for categories (wp_list_categories):

    $categories = wp_list_categories('title_li=&show_count=1&echo=0');
    $categories = ereg_replace('</a> \(([0-9]+)\)', ' <span class="count">[\\1]</span></a>', $categories);
    echo $categories;

    But the equivalent code doesn’t work for archives (wp_get_archives):

    $archives = wp_get_archives('type=monthly&show_post_count=1&echo=0');
    $archives = ereg_replace('</a> \(([0-9]+)\)', ' <span class="count2">[\\1]</span></a>', $archives);
    echo $archives;


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  • Moderator keesiemeijer


    The output from wp_get_archives uses ?&nbsp; to display the space character:

    <li><a href='https://test.dev/date/2013/08/' title='August 2013'>August 2013</a>&nbsp;(1)</li>

    ereg_replace is a deprecated php function try using preg_replace:

    $categories = wp_list_categories('title_li=&show_count=1&echo=0');
    $categories = preg_replace('/<\/a>(\s*)\(([0-9]+)\)/', ' <span class="count">[\2]</span></a>', $categories);
    echo $categories;
    $archives = wp_get_archives('type=monthly&show_post_count=1&echo=0');
    $archives = preg_replace('/<\/a>(.*?)\(([0-9]+)\)/', '\1<span class="count">[\2]</span></a>', $archives);
    echo $archives;

    Thread Starter George Appiah


    Ah, silly me… it never occurred to me to check the rendered list. Anyway, keesiemeijer, thanks for the quick fix and the tip on the deprecated function.

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