• Hi and Good Morning,
    I would like to have the following struction in the 1.1 build for my categories.
    Main cat: Entertainment (unlinked)
    Sub Cat: film (linked)
    Sub Cat: Television (linked)
    Can this be achieved? The same way as the links section works.

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  • Doesn’t look like it at the moment:

    Thread Starter fionagilbert


    I would love to see that fixed.
    Thanks for all your efforts though guys.

    I think if there are no posts in a category but the category has sub-cats with posts, it should probably display that way. I haven’t looked at the sub-cat code so I don’t know how big a change this would be.

    I’ve done some testing on that front, and here’s what I’ve found:
    If there are no posts in a category, but the category has sub-cats with posts, and you’re listing them as nested links (by setting the last flag to true, per TechGnome’s suggestion), AND you’re supressing empty categories…the sub-cats won’t show up. I tried this with a single post to a sub-category, but no posts to the parent category. I get “no categories” and nothing else.
    If I don’t supress empty categories, then it lists EVERY category and sub-category, regardless of whether there are posts or not, and EVERY category and sub-category is a link.
    If I go back and add the parent category to the post (and supress empty cats), then I get the category and sub-category…but again, the parent category is a link.
    This also has the undesirable effect of listing both cat and sub-cat in the “Filed Under:” section.
    To see what I mean…I have set up a new site with only 1 post, for testing. Once I get it working the way I want I will add style (and more content…)
    Take a look here: https://www.cantboilwater.com/
    Notice the single post has the following categorization:
    difficulty: easy
    food type: pasta
    meal type: dinner
    region: italian
    I’d like the “filed under:” to only show the sub-cats. Ex:
    Filed Under: easy, pasta, dinner, italian
    Also, I’d like ONLY the sub-cats to be links…not the categories.
    Make sense?
    This is how I always envisioned sub-categories working…otherwise they’re just additional categories. Nothing “sub” about them.

    I would really like to be able to do what tcervo says. It would be nice to have an unlinked main category header with all the sub-headers below.
    Any other views on this?

    Um… yeah…. what is being proposed would be contrary to the way I want it to work.
    I think this is the way is should work… and this is only a proposal.
    What would it take to add a T/F parameter to the function call that could be used to set the way it is displayed.
    When TRUE – the parent category would be a link, no matter what. When clicked on, would list posts in that parent category as well as ones in sub cats,
    When FALSE – the parent category would simply be an item in the list, unless there is a post tied directly to it, in which case it would be a link. – this could be set as the default action, requiring the user to override it by setting it to TRUE.

    Well, here’s another take…based on how I’d like to see it work:
    When I click on a parent category, I’d like to be able to get just those posts in the parent…not including the children. As it stands, I get ALL posts from the parent category down. I was attempting to get around the parent cat/link problem by creating a simple “What this category does” post for each parent category, then making sure regular posts are linked ONLY to sub-cats…no direct linking to the parent. One of the benefits to this is the parent category no longer shows up in the “Filed Under” section of the post, so it makes more sense now…
    However, when I click on a parent category, I still get all the sub-cat posts.

    Yeah I like the sound of that. I don’t know how easy it would be to implement but it gets my vote ??
    But I do note tcervos point about the filed under links.

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