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  • There are no categories shown on that webpage.
    Only posts from one single category, namely category ID#=1. The URI shows it clearly.

    If you meant that your posts are not listed in the order you want them… well, that’s how it works: when ordering by numbers you should have a 0 (zero) in front of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 – like 01, 02, etc.

    Thread Starter davedelaney2006


    Sorry, I don’t understand. Can you be more specific.
    I have posts under two categories, but they don’t show up in the sidebar, and that’s ok.

    So how do I rearrange the posts? These are podcast episodes and the arrangement is confusing for listeners.

    You mentioned adding a “0”, but I don’t no how to change the ID number?

    Thanks for your help.

    You mentioned adding a “0”, but I don’t no how to change the ID number?

    moshu was referring to the numbers in the titles of your posts. That is change:

    # 2BB-2 – Episode 2 – Son Coming Soon!


    # 2BB-02 – Episode 02 – Son Coming Soon!

    Thread Starter davedelaney2006


    Thanks, but I changed it and there was no change. The ID numbers are still out of wack, so that everything seems to be out of order.

    Please see this link for a screenshot:

    Note the dates are correct.

    Thanks again for your help on this.

    Then what method is being used to sort posts on your category pages?

    Normally posts are sorted by post date in decending order, but apparently yours are not.

    Thread Starter davedelaney2006


    That’s just it. I don’t know. I’m not sure how to find out, or how to correct this.

    Any suggestions?

    Things to look at:

    1. Are you using a plugin that lets you change it? One of our favorites around here is Custom Query String. If you’re running this, the admin panel for it will be under Options > CQS.

    2. Are you using query_posts() or an equivalent to generate the posts list? This can be checked by looking at the source of the theme template used for your categories.

    Problem here is, we won’t necessarily know *which* template is the specific one to look at, because a feature known as ‘template hierarchy’ lets a query type (say category) inherit various templates depending on which ones are available in a theme.

    I won’t go into the technical aspects of this (because they’re boring!), so let’s cut to chase… I did a bit of ‘dipping’ in your active theme’s directory, and found you have the standard Category template (category.php). So that’s a good place to start.

    If you need help looking over your category.php, you can paste up the source here:

    and reply back with the url to it.

    EDIT: This thread really doesn’t belong in Installation, so I’m moving it to How-To and Troubleshooting…

    Thread Starter davedelaney2006


    This is awesome…I really appreciate your help with this.


    Hmm. Time to put on my Sherlock Holmes deerstalker.

    First, there’s nothing in the template that points to a culprit. You wouldn’t even be able to use query_posts(), which does not work with the old post loop format the template has:

    foreach ($posts as $post)

    And there’s the if statement making a call to is_full(), which is not an internal WP function. It ties in with the inclusion of the full.php (whatever that is) template if is_full() returns true. I can’t tell you what that means because I don’t know what’s providing the function, and what it relates to.

    This is not to say any of this has anything to do with the sort order issue on your category pages. However, without a fuller accounting of what your blog is set up with, they’re all clues.

    Thread Starter davedelaney2006


    Hmm. Not sure what to make of your remarks. Although I appreciate you taking the time to look through the code.

    Do you have any suggestions please?


    What wp version are we dealing with here?

    It would help to know what plugins are activated on your blog.

    Thread Starter davedelaney2006


    Plug Ins here:
    Version: 2.0.4


    A pdf of the plugins list… Why not? :)

    I think what may be at cause here, though I can’t say how that is, is the DC Nicer Archives plugin. I can only find reference to is_full() online (in conjunction with WordPress) with that plugin.

    If I’m right, two options I can think of are A. see if anyone here is familiar with DCNA and can recommend a solution, or B. see if we can refit your category.php to display posts the way you want using the tools WordPress provides.

    Note I could be off here. UTW: Tag Archive could be just as responsible. But I use neither of these plugins, so can’t say for sure if they have the ability to affect sort order in categories.

    Thread Starter davedelaney2006


    So what if I deleted both of those plug-ins?
    Do you think you can help?


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