• I have 300+ categories spread across a 5 sub-category level hierarchy that I imported from an excel sheet into WP using WPEssence Bulk Categories plugin.

    I’m considering using The Events Calendar as my content manager in lieu of the generic WP post for the ability to add and maintain extra custom fields in a nice front end presentation of events. How can I get my hundreds of categories into The Events Calendar category system while maintaining the 5 level hierarchy?

    Is there an import category function that maintains the hierarchy organization?

    Can I use any category menu plugins for navigation of The Events Calendar categories instead of the regular WP categories.

    It would be wonderful if the WP categories and the Events Calendar categories interacted instead of being separate, is there a way to do that, I would think that would solve this issue?


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  • Regarding integrating WP categories with TEC ones – that’s doable via the method Shane describes here: https://tri.be/show-your-events-in-the-main-post-loop/. That help?

    Why can’t you use the regular wordpress categories? Why did you create special TEC ones and are making us use those? Any reason why? Now other plugins (which interact with the wordpress categories) can’t access the event categories because they are special. I would like to understand the reasoning behind this and see what I’m missing. Maybe your way is better? But it limits our plugin options.



    Since they are still posts, albeit “custom posts”, using regular categories but requiring something like prefixing with “Tribe-” would seem a more amenable possibility…

    We were responding to requests from the community that felt events made more sense to have independent of regular posts, since they aren’t actual blog updates. This seems to be the direction most content is going and allowed us more flexibility to build onto event functionality a bit more down the road.



    Unless of course we consider posting events to our sites (with their descriptions and photos etc.) every bit as much a “blog update” as a new post about kittens is a blog update. ??

    I understand, but I regret your decision.

    Thread Starter snomo


    Perhaps you can build in an option to use the regular post categories in a check box, and then all regular post category functionality and plugin functionality could work as one option, or be treated separately for those who chose to use TCE that way.

    Hi folks,

    reposting this from my reply on the same topic in a different thread:

    We simply use WordPress’ build in db architecture. Our events cats live in Terms table like the rest of the categories in WordPress. They are an independent taxonomy to mark them as event categories, as is proper with custom post types.

    The issue stated about other plugins integrating / using cats has more to do with WordPress being in a period of flux between having everything be either posts or in its own table and authors fully adopting custom post types. The core WordPress team is placing a heavy emphasis on CPTs and most major plugin authors are moving over. For example Shopp is moving from their own tables to CPTs in 1.2 (some time around december). As more and more plugins make the move, the integration you want to see will return in a much more powerful and controlled manner.

    If you want wish list member and other plugins to integrate, push them to support custom post type (and hence cpt category) integration.

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