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  • woo-hoo!!! I thought I was going nuts. I tried screwing with the code and nothing worked…but replacing that file AND putting
    <?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name’); ?>
    sure did.

    Thanks, Ryan! Worked like a charm. Lisch, I tried downloading the newest template-functions-category.php from the nightly builds, but dropping that in my 1.5 setup didn’t work. I’m not sure if that is the newest file you meant, but I just thought I’d warn others about that. I realize nightly builds are unstable; I was just curious. ??

    Well, damn. It’s not working for me. Here’s the relevant section of my sidebar template:
    <li id="categories"><?php _e('Categories:'); ?>
    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name'); ?>

    I tried updating template-functions-category.php with the newer version, and it had no effect. You can see that the categories aren’t being sorted here:

    It’s a clean 1.5 install with a theme that’s a straightforward adaptation of the WordPress Classic theme. I didn’t tweak any of the important stuff, really; mostly just the CSS. I would really like to have the categories sorted alphabetically, but I don’t want to do it manually. Any ideas what’s going wrong? Thanks…

    Thanks Ryan! Worked like a charm for me!

    Thanks! Had exactly the same problem and it only worked after updating the template-function-category.php file.

    Thanks, Ryan. The revised file fixed up my problem, too, in conjunction (of course) with changing the sort parameter in the file to “‘name'” from the default “‘ID'”.

    What strikes me as very odd, though, is that the Sidebar template in the default (Kubrick) theme has a place for sort order to be specified where it calls the function list_cats — and the Codex even points one to this line in addressing the issue of Categories sort order. I don’t quite understand why the Sidebar template is overruled by the file in wp-includes, instead of the other way around.

    I am just a newb with WP, though.

    I didn’t have any problems changing the order of the categories.

    Just replaced the default categories code <?php list_cats(); ?> with this:

    <?php list_cats(FALSE, ' ', 'name'); ?>

    Easy as pie!

    thanks for this topic guys. i had same prob with 1.5, but dl’d the updated file & everything worked. ??

    Thanks Ryan!!!!!!!

    I guess I can’t do this for, can I?

    Problem solved for me – I love this forum!

    I am using the new wordpress replaced wp-includes/template-functions-category.php and now im getting a weird statement at the end of every post…PLEASE help!!!

    As others, I tried Ryan’s new file, but then it made my categories as listed in the posts go all kerflooey. Help?

    Needed this fix and it works great in v2.06… just replaced <?php wp_list_cats; ?> in my sidebar.php file with <?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name’); ?>. Shows the sub categories too! Thanks! You can view it here:

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