• Hi Allen,

    After I updated your latest plugin version I get Categories from the feeds below Source field inside the feeds. Some of the categories are not even related to that news and they link on the news but since I got feed name next to the Source I find them unnecessary. How can I get rid of those Categories from feeds?

    Also is it possible to set feeds timing for publish feeds straight away rather than wait 10 minutes?

    The ideal option would be preloader or Ajax loader to publish feeds straight away withouth refreshing the site but I guess that’s got to do with WP and the Theme. Refreshing site every time you want to see new feeds is bit old fashioned


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  • Yes i noticed this too since the new update… Any way to get rid of these? or link them to the actual categories because the Source and the Category are linking to the same place atm

    Also is it possible to set feeds timing for publish feeds straight away rather than wait 10 minutes?

    There is a button right at the bottom of page Click to Fetch feeds now.
    unless you mean you want the plugin to check for new feeds more often then 10 mins.

    Thread Starter ziva777


    I don’t know how to get rid of this Category line. Maybe switch off hyperlinks inside plugin option but I think line will still stay there.

    Yes, I meant on publishing feeds straight away rather than wait 10 minutes. The thing is I use option to override feeds timing with server timing but without that feature plugin post feeds quicker than 10 minutes but in that case feeds doesn’t show up in right order

    Same here these categories have no connection to the feed !!

    Thread Starter ziva777


    I don’t know, Allen doesn’t like to answer on this issue for some reason.

    It’s questionable is it ever possible to have serious website when you depend on good will from plugin author

    Plugin Author Allen


    At this point it is not possible to delete plugin category. Just don’t assign it or replace it with a new name.

    Thread Starter ziva777


    I would rather pay for plugin and have professional support whenever I need. Like this you get free product but you are never sure about support.

    Why do I have to pay for Theme but not for this plugin that is main plugin that I use?

    The thing is with WordPress there are always upgrades and issues to fix and without constant work of author of plugin or Theme you can’t maintain your website

    Thread Starter ziva777


    Ok, sorry Allen I just saw your reply.

    If you think this is the best option for plugin I ll accept it because I am sure you know what is the best for plugin


    it is not the categories we assigned but there is a new field that shows up under source settings..

    some of the categories are long.

    Thread Starter ziva777


    I thought Allen got my point. I get Category line on the bottom of the posts with the categories from the feeds not my website. Quite few of them are not related with the posts and there’s no option to remove that line

    Thread Starter ziva777


    Simply Importer is importing categories from feed Source and publishing them on my website with no particular reason

    I have found the solution.. I don’t know man… why you add these codes into the update the first place and claim that its not possible to remove. whats up with that

    Remove these codes in wp-rss-multi-importer/inc/import_posts.php

    It is toward the middle of it. These codes were not present in the previous version.

    if (!IS_Null($item->get_categories())){
    foreach ($item->get_categories() as $category)
    $categoryTerms .= $category->get_term().’, ‘;
    $postCategories=rtrim($categoryTerms,’, ‘);

    hope this helps

    Thread Starter ziva777


    I am not confident enough of playing a coder when I don’t have experience in coding and I take advices only from Allen when this plugin is in question

    Thread Starter ziva777


    Yes, it’s working. Thanks a lot.

    I am just not very happy of doing this without Allen

    Plugin Author Allen


    hi ziva777 and ftlwarpdrive, not sure what is going on here, especially if it’s another plugin that is putting in the categories. Thanks for providing a solution if you want to pick off all the categories that are present in the RSS feed item.

    Thanks ftlwarpdrive

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