• This is about the post field categories functionallity (the box with categories when you add or edit a new post).

    If you have a hierachical category structure you will find the parent categories listed with their subcategories indented, before next parent category.

    But if I select only the parent category “the connection” to the subcategories is lost when I open to edit the post later. The subcategories are not indented anymore and are displayed the same way as all the parent categories. And they are not displayed under their parent category – they are mixed alphabetical with the other categories.

    The same way – if I only select a subcategory it moves to the top and I can no longer see which one is the parent category, neither it’s “sibling” categories.

    If you have 5 parent categories with 5 subcategories each this starts to become a problem…

    Does anyone know where the code for this box is included? This must be core WP stuff – it’s the same way regardless of the theme I use.

    Has anybody solved this problem already?

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