• I have a post in wordpress which belong to two categories – one is a parent and other is a sub-catory [like digital camera –> nikon]

    My permalink structure is like this /category/postid/

    When i make a post, WP would generate the URL as https://ww.abc.com/digital-camera/nikon/382/ which is perfect.

    However, there are instances when WP won’t add the sub-category nikon to the URL and the URL would then look like abc.com/digital-camera/382

    Why does WP sometimes skip the sub-category. Any clues ?

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  • It seems as if the same issue confuses me too. But i’m using the permalinks-structure /category/postname/. Parent-cats working fine, posts-links working fine, but links of child-cats will trigger the index-template. And this is huge cadillac and not a simple bug, that meanwhile thrills me a couple of nights.

    Could anybody please explain this effect or help WP from loosing users?

    God, it could be very useful, myblog.com/category/subcategory/postname.

    Anyone can help us? ??

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