Categories and Sub Categories in custom taxonomies….
I find and use the following code to display sub categories for default taxonomy ‘category’ on my site, but I created a custom taxonomy, and can not alter the code so that he was doing the same thing for the new taxonomy, help please
<?php if(is_category()) { $subcategories = get_terms('category', 'parent='.get_query_var('cat')); if(empty($subcategories)) { $thiscat = get_term(get_query_var('cat'),'category'); $subcategories = get_terms('category', 'parent='.$thiscat->parent.''); } if(empty($subcategories)) $subcategories = array(); if(!empty($subcategories)) { echo '<ul>'; foreach($subcategories as $subcat) { if(get_query_var('cat') == $subcat->term_id) $current = ' current-cat'; else $current = ''; echo ' <li class="cat-item cat-item-'.$subcat->term_id.$current.'"> <a href="'.get_category_link( $subcat->term_id ).'" title="'.$subcat->description.'">'.$subcat->name.'</a> </li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } } else { // If no current cat query, just get the top level ones using wp_list_categories. ?> <ul> <?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&depth=1');?> </ul> <?php } ?>
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