Technically, our videos belong to a Custom Post Type named “Videos (aiovg_videos)”.
The custom post types are WordPress core features to build custom content types. The standard posts that you see under the “Dashboard / Posts” menu itself is a Custom Post type added by WordPress. There are several other custom post types that come with WordPress by default,
1. Posts.
2. Pages.
3. Attachments.
4. Revisions.
5. Navigation Menus.
6. Custom CSS.
7. Changesets.
Similarly, the videos in our plugin belong to the custom post type “Videos”. This helps us to classify the videos from the standard posts on your website. So, you can manage the videos and the standard blog posts separately without any conflict. To be honest, this should not affect your site SEO anyway and technically our video pages inherit all the features that are supported in a standard POST including permalinks.
Similarly, the categories and tags in our plugin belong to a WordPress Custom Taxonomy. Like custom post types, the “Taxonomies” are WordPress core feature to create custom category groups specific to a plugin or features in a website. These are the features that make WordPress more flexible and are designed for such tasks.
Hope this helped you!
Please let me know if still you have any questions.