• Resolved salvation62


    Hi Guys

    I have a problem in my menus

    I am setting a blog using a custom theme, I have created 2 menus and added pages to them, everything worked fine, then I created some post and categories and now i want to add some categories in those menus but when I click the menu tab, down a list of available choices for the menu I get this
    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/greg2205/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 433

    I then check the formatting.php file on line 433 and I have this

    function wp_check_invalid_utf8( $string, $strip = false ) {
    	$string = (string) $string;
    	if ( 0 === strlen( $string ) ) {
    		return '';

    I don’t know what to do really, anyone can help?

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  • Would somebody please inform this amateur how I would delete the menu from a former theme? I would like to accomplish that solution. Thanks for help!

    yes, i had the same issue when updating wp and the plugins.. something happened and thewn i couldnt access my MENU…(got this message-Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in …/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 433) i tried to delete and copy the wp files, tried changing the formatting.php and nothing, the only way to fix it was to delete the wp installation and delete the DB… (luckily my host has these options easy to access)

    then reinstalled and voilá! it works again…
    i did make a copy of my plugins and themes folder, and will reupload… but the osts and data, its lost…

    Thanks, @minkowski !

    Very helpful tip…

    solved the problem with the database solution.
    not the most comfortable but did the work.


    OK get this!

    Had the very same problem

    I selected a redundant menu in the back end thinking I’d delete it (BIG MISTAKE) and got the error page and can’t now view the menu admin page at all

    So remembering the menu I clicked on just before the error I deleted the two lines in the database

    Still get the error though

    Now it gets interesting…

    Log in under a different user admin and I can see menu admin no problem and yes the flawed menu tab has gone

    But go back to my original login and same problem


    Something is remembering which menu tab I was on and now takes me to a non existent tab which errors


    Clear that bit of memory that recalls which menu tabs selected


    Where are the menu settings for a user stored between sessions?


    I got the same stupid problem. I restored the php files but no sucess, I didn’t get why because I restored the one it said where was the error.

    Maybe it’s going be the easyest way to restore the theme to the standard and then edit everything again. I don’t know if it’s gonna work.

    Hi All,

    I had the same problem and was able to fix it, so decided to share my experience.

    With my case, it turned out that there was a menu containing links to some custom taxonomies, that have been defined in a previous theme but did not exist in this one. So I had a taxonomy called “Portfolio Category” and links to several portfolio categories in a previously created menu. I was able to fix it by activating the previously installed theme and removing those links from the menu(removing the whole menu should also work).

    I hope this will be helpful.

    Hey, I fixed this.

    Here’s what I did. I went into the database, in the wp_term_taxonomy table, I found a record that showed “nav_menu” in the taxonomy column. I deleted that record and whammo, I got my WP menu functionality back. No need to reinstall.

    Hope this helps someone.




    I am having the exact same problem. I am not a programmer, so sevensoutbill how do you find that in the database and where do you remove it?



    @vintagestephen I’m working in a dev environment right now. I have WP running on WAMP. So I accessed the database via, PHPmyAdmin. So how you access your db will depend on where your site is hosted. Hope this helps…

    I had the same error on both cippodesign.com and cippo.ro, so I did what @sevensoutbill said ( delete the nav_menu in the taxonomy column ) and didn’t work so I went to wp_terms table and deleted the extra things ( terms that I didn’t need anymore ) and it is working now.

    You have to go to wp_terms table in phpmyadmin and delete what you don’t use anymore. It will work, no more 433 error ??

    Uma Sumeros



    I had this same problem and was almost at my wits end trying to find the cause and came up with zip. Finally I picked up the phone and called my web host who found your post and it worked like a charm!

    Thank you one thousand times over for sharing your experience.




    I too encountered this error after renaming a custom taxonomy item.

    The solution by dennis_f worked for me — thanks!



    I used the @minkowski method


    Deleting all the menu items in the database then finally deleting the empty menu from the back end

    I found it helpful to use the date modified to be able to identify all the items in a particular menu

    Haven’t needed to delete taxonomies but I guess this would work too


    @minkowski — Thank You Thank You Thank You.


    Had to install PhpMYAdmin and had NO clue how to do that, but figured it out by myself (with a little prior experience). So here’s what I did:

    I downloaded the Mac PhpMyAdmin version that you can find here:


    And then I downloaded the EZ7z application to uncompress it:


    I uncompressed the file and recompressed in .zip format. I uploaded this file on my public server and uncompressed it.

    I navigated to the PhpMyAdmin folder in my browser, which automatically opened index.php and launched PHPMyAdmin. I entered my cpanel access credentials.

    You just have to locate your WordPress DB installation and browse it to find the wp_posts and do just what Minkowski says. Works like a charm. Saved my day ??

    @sevensoutbill Thank you so much. I was getting the error message every time I clicked on my menu, but no more. Back to work! Thank you thank you!

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