Hi there @yapvinli – Can you confirm that your TikTok Catalog does not have products by doing the following:
– Open your TikTok for WooCommerce Plugin and go to the Overview > Catalog Card and Click “Manage” to quickly launch your catalog.
– Or go to https://ads.tiktok.com/catalogs/list and click on the catalog you used in setting up the Plugin.
If you are still seeing zero products synced in the TikTok Catalog please file a support ticket and include log files from the Plugin and send to our support teams for debugging.
To file a support ticket with the TikTok for Business team follow the below instructions:
1. Go to (TikTok for Business Support- https://ads.tiktok.com/athena/requester/form/1674225710396421?identify_key=6a1e079024806640c5e1e695d13db80949525168a052299b4970f9c99cb5ac78&board_id=1705151646989423&category_1_id=1717270337208322)
2. Login with your TikTok for Business Account credentials (In order to submit a customer support ticket, you must have a TikTok for Business account)
3. Select “E-Commerce Platform Integration”
4.Under Question Category, select “TikTok and Business Plugin Channel Setting”
5.Fill out the required fields in the support ticket (please make indicate that you are using the WooCommerce Plugin, provide your website URL, and Catalog ID if available)
To retrieve your Plugin activity logs by following the steps below:
* Select WooCommerce on your sidebar menu
* Select Status > Logs
* Type in “tiktok_for_woocommerce” in the search bar menu and select view.
* Copy the entire log (drag and select all the way to the bottom of the screen to ensure you select and copy the full log). Note that logs are organized by date, so be sure that you are copying the logs from date when you installed the plugin or from the most recent date.
* Paste the logs into notepad and saved as a .txt file
* Submit a support request directly with TikTok (refer to the instructions above) and be sure to include the logs as an attachment in your submission.