• Hello,

    I’d like to make the individual CataBlog product items’ SEO meta editable. But I’m currently having issues with using the All in One SEO and the Yoast SEO plugins.

    Is there a way to best implement my own SEO meta title, description, and keywords for the individual product items?

    Kind regards,



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  • Hi, did you try to add the following to the what ever template you are currently using.

    Example adding alt title to the image using the %TITLE% token.

    <img src="%IMAGE-THUMBNAIL%" alt="%TITLE%" />

    Thread Starter Michael Sumner


    Hi mbrsolution,

    Sorry I meant metadata to add in the header of each CataBlog item post:

    <title>CataBlog Item Name</title>
    <meta name="description" content="CataBlog Item Description">
    <meta name="keywords" content="CataBlog Item Keywords">

    I’ve tried using Yoast SEO and All in One SEO, but the ‘SEO editors’ for those plugins are not showing up in the CataBlog post editor.?

    If these SEO plugins will not work, do you think Advanced Custom Fields plugin will work?

    I’d like to have a nice editing area for SEO title, description, and keywords in each CataBlog product and category.

    Kind regards,


    Hi, check the following URL. See if you can find some information that might help you.


    Thread Starter Michael Sumner


    Hi mbrsolution,

    Sorry, but it wasn’t useful.

    I am seeing that ‘CataBlog Gallery’ and ‘CataBlog Item’ are custom post types, but these SEO plugins don’t seem to be hooking themselves onto the editing pages for your custom post types?

    Is there a way that I can edit these individual catablog items’ SEO meta description, post title, and meta keywords?

    Kind regards,

    Hi, then you might have to integrate the plugin into your theme. Please read the following instructions.

    Thread Starter Michael Sumner


    Hi mbrsolution,

    Cool I’ve got a set of custom templates now like single-catablog-items.php and taxonomy-catablog-terms.php. How can I edit/add SEO metadata to these templates? Or will I have to hardcode these? ??

    I’m feeling I might have to create header-catablog.php, and call this with its own of hardcoded:
    <title>CataBlog Item Name</title>
    <meta name="description" content="CataBlog Item Description">
    <meta name="keywords" content="CataBlog Item Keywords">

    But there should be a better way?

    Kind regards,

    Hi, you should try and use the plugins Tokens as mentioned in the URL I shared above. These tokens will call the items description for you.

    Thread Starter Michael Sumner


    Hi mbrsolution,

    So does that mean I will have to use the product description as the SEO description?

    Kind regards,

    Yes, give that a try and see how you go.

    Thread Starter Michael Sumner


    Hi mbrsolution,

    Sorry but placing the <meta name="description" content="%DESCRIPTION%"> in the custom header header-catablog-items doesn’t work.

    Does this mean I will have to hardcode everything in this header? Or could there be a feature soon in Catablog to implement this, or allow SEO plugins to have their editors in Catablog editor?

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Michael Sumner



    I’ve tried using Advanced Custom Fields but I still couldn’t find the custom fields to edit in the CataBlog editor. :/

    Is there a way around this please?

    Kind regards,

    Which plugin template are you currently using to set this up? Can you also share the template.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Michael Sumner



    Are these the templates you require? I would be adding SEO to the product items.

    Kind regards,

    Hi, the templates I am referring to are in this plugin. Please view the following documentation.

    This plugin works with the templates above.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Michael Sumner


    Hi mbrsolution,

    I’ve tried but the %DESCRIPTION% I used in the templates you mentioned didn’t carry on to <?php get_header(); ?>. Is there a better way around this. I don’t wish to copy across the header template’s code unless totally the last resort. Is it possible to declare %DESCRIPTION% as a global variable to carry towards the header? :/

    Kind regards,

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