• Hello,

    I’ve been using a custom template (via custom functions) for a couple of years that displays certain category names/links in a post if those categories are checked. It suddenly quit working, and I don’t know why (I did just upgrade to WP 3.6 last week).

    You can see the custom template here (it’s the Hike At A Glance Box at the top).

    In my custom_functions file (the Thesis version of functions.php), I start off my custom template as follows:

    function hike_post_details() {
    if (in_category('Hike Reviews')) { ?>

    I use 2 instances of dynamically displayed categories. Everything else in this custom template displays correctly still (all fed via custom fields, with the exception of these 2 items that are fed via categories).

    Best Season uses any season child categories (winter, spring, etc.) of the ancestor “hikes by season” category.

                foreach((get_the_category('orderby=ID&order=ASC')) as $childcat) {
                if (cat_is_ancestor_of(529, $childcat)) {
                echo $sep . '<a href="'.get_category_link($childcat->cat_ID).'">';
              echo $childcat->cat_name;
                echo '</a>';
                               $sep = ' ';

    And Difficulty uses any difficult child categories (easy, moderate, etc.) of the ancestor “hikes by difficulty” category.

                foreach((get_the_category('orderby=ID&order=ASC')) as $childcat) {
                if (cat_is_ancestor_of(114, $childcat)) {
                echo $sep . '<a href="'.get_category_link($childcat->cat_ID).'">';
              echo $childcat->cat_name;
                echo '</a>';
                               $sep = ' ';

    Despite having all of the necessary parent/child categories selected, these fields now appear blank on every single one of my posts.

    Like I said, this has worked great for a couple of years, but suddenly quit working. The only change I have made in the last couple of weeks (when they last displayed fine) is upgrading to the most recent version of WordPress.

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

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  • Thread Starter colleengreene


    I used some alternative code to fix both of the above issues, but I’d like to not mark this thread Closed in case someone can explain to me why my original code suddenly quit working after 2 years.

    thank you.

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