• I can’t find docs or how to make work the ‘cat2email’ and “WP Mailman Integration”.
    could someone who has either working give me some clues or a reference?
    thank you very much.

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  • I have it working on my site and set it up as follows

    I’d set up your mailman list first.

    for our example we will say the site is domain.com
    and the listname is stories.

    Go into Mailman (via cpanel or whatever) and create a new list “stories”. You list name will be “[email protected]

    The following is a recommendation only–you don’t absolutely have to do this part but it might confuse subscribers if you don’t.

    Do not set the list up as announce only. Your blog will be the only sender but only the list administrator or moderator can post to an “announce only” list. You need your blog to be able to send to the list.

    Go to the Mailman General Settings and make sure the following two options are set to “YES”

    Hide the sender of a message, replacing it with the list address (Removes From, Sender and Reply-To fields)= Y

    Should any existing Reply-To: header found in the original message be stripped? If so, this will be done regardless of whether an explict Reply-To: header is added by Mailman or not. = yes

    Go to “Non-Digest Options” tab
    Under the setting for
    Footer added to mail sent to regular list members
    (Details for msg_footer)

    Which normally looks like this
    %(real_name)s mailing list

    Remove the second line (which is the “send messages to address”)

    You have to leave that address in the headers to appease the spam blockers.

    Do the same for digest-mode options (if you want to use digest)

    Edit your “General list information” page and welcome announcement to remove all references on how to post to the list.

    Edit your welcome email text file to remove the section below

    To post to this list, send your email to:


    Change any other settings you want.

    Install the Cat2email plugin

    In the section where you map your category to an email list point the desired category (multiple categories can be mapped to the same list), enter “[email protected]

    At this point, what I did was create a “Subscription” page (using default page template) where I listed the description of each list and the subscribe form for each list.

    Below is an example of my subscribe form. (substitute your domain name and listname of course)

    Note that for mailman, the “_” replaces the normal @

    <H2><B>Subscribe to Stories</b></H2>

    <FORM Method=”POST” action=”https://mail.domain.com/mailman/subscribe/stories_domain.com”&gt;
    <table border=”0″ width=”150″ bgcolor=”9999dd”>
    <td width=”60″><INPUT type=”Text” name=”email” size=”10″ value=””></td>
    <td width=”90″><INPUT type=”Submit” name=”email-button” value=”Subscribe”></td>
    <hr ALIGN=”center” >

    subscribe yourself to test it out and see if all the emails and pages read ok.

    Hope it works for you.

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