Yes, it appears that there is some js in the footer. Is there an easier way to do this?
if(id_num == ‘el’){
jQuery(‘.tablepress tfoot tr .column-2 input’).val(‘<?php echo $_GET[‘OrderNumber’]; ?>’);
jQuery(‘.tablepress tfoot tr .column-2 input’).keyup();
} else {
jQuery(‘.tablepress tfoot tr .column-5 input’).val(‘<?php echo $_GET[‘OrderNumber’]; ?>’);
jQuery(‘.tablepress tfoot tr .column-5 input’).keyup();
//var poList = [];
jQuery(‘.tablepress tbody tr’).each(function(index){
if(id_num == ‘el’){
var tableValue = jQuery(this).find(“.column-2”).html();
var tableValue = jQuery(this).find(“.column-5”).html();
tableValue = tableValue.toString();
orderNum = orderNum.toString();
if(tableValue.trim() === orderNum.trim()){
jQuery(this).css(‘display’, ‘table-row’);
} else {