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  • Theme Author sur


    @staalkop Please download 1.6 version, I think carouselk in subpage is fixed.

    best Regards

    Thread Starter Staalkop


    Thank you sur, for the answer. I did download the latest version, but (I am a newbie in WP) I cannot get it done. Is there a manual or some screen shots how to do it? Another help would be highly appreciated.



    You need to use the Carousel – full-width template for your subpage and then it should work just fine.

    Thread Starter Staalkop


    Thanks again for taking the time to help me. I can find “carousel – full template” under Page attributes, but what then? Can you please link me to a tutorial? Thanks in advance.



    From the screen options at the top select Carousel.

    Thread Starter Staalkop


    YESSSS it worked! Like always: so easy – if you know how ?? Thanks for helping me out. Ireally appreciate.
    Do you know if there is a way to have several different caroussels running within the website (on different pages)?



    You are welcome. I do not think there is any easy way to have different carousels on different pages. There is probably a way to customize your header.php and use post categories.

    Thread Starter Staalkop


    Thank you again, but that is too difficult for me.

    Theme Author sur


    Using TheCartPress plugin you can do it easily.
    You could use TheCartPress shortcode tool to create product (or post) lists using a carousel loop: loop-carousel-fullwidth.php (included in Boot Store theme)
    You can see it in action, TheCartPress demo:

    Securely you need to customize the loop-carousel-fullwidth.php to suit your needs, duplicate and rename it as loop-mycarousel.php and you will be able to use it from TheCartPress tools.

    Also you can create product lists with “TCP Product list” widget, you can select the loop in widget settings.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter Staalkop


    Thank you sur!
    I will have someone take a look at it (too difficult for me: just into WP). But I really appreciate your help.

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