Hi kkriss,
Alex from SiteOrigin here. ??
Currently, it’s not directly possible to do this via widget settings. We’re looking to improve the functionality of this in the future to allow for this though.
You can however do this with a few modifications (CSS and a plugin).
To start with, we’ll need to adjust the image sizes themselves. As these images are set via an image size (it’s a WordPress feature) we’ll need to use a plugin to adjust it.
Please download and install this plugin. To install a plugin manually please navigate to WP Admin > Plugins > Add New and click Upload Plugin. This plugin is a short plugin that will adjust the image crop to your desired sizing for images. Once you’ve done that you’ll need to regenerate your images, this can be done via the excellent Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. Once you’ve done that you can remove the regenerate thumbnails plugin.
Then we’ll need to add CSS to make adjustments to the frontend. If you haven’t already installed one, you’ll need a CSS editor. We recommend the SiteOrigin CSS plugin. ?? Once installed please navigate to WP Admin > Appearance > Custom CSS and add the following CSS:
.sow-carousel-thumbnail a, .sow-carousel-thumbnail a span.overlay {
width: 192px !important;
height: 290px !important;
.sow-carousel-item {
width: 192px !important;
Let me know if this works for you.