Carousel options ignored
Great plugin! But I have stumbled upon some issues with the carousel settings. I use the following short code on a site (still in local development):
[owl-carousel category="front-page" items="2" itemsCustom="false" itemsMobile="479,1" itemsTabletSmall="600,1" itemsTablet="767,2" itemsDesktopSmall="991,2" itemsDesktop="1199,2" autoPlay="false" pagination="false" navigation="true" scrollPerPage="true" navigationText="false"]
What I want to achieve with that is that there will always be 2 items viewed, except for mobile (portrait and landscape) where I want to have one item at a time. The problem that occurs, despite my settings, is that between 784px – 995px I get 3 items/columns, as is the default for owl carousel. I tried different order for the settings (asc and desc), removing some of them, changing widths, but nothing influences the view between the 784-995 width. Below that and above I get what I want, but not in that rage.
Please advice what I can do to fix this issue.
Many thanks,
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