I figured, nope not using that! ??
I have these if it helps:
Installed Plugins:
All In One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert version,
BackWPup disable SSL connection verifying by Inpsyde GmbH version 0.1,
BackWPup by Inpsyde GmbH version 3.1.2,
Contact Form 7 by Takayuki Miyoshi version 3.9.3,
Easy Facebook Likebox by Sajid Javed version 2.1.0,
Erident Custom Login and Dashboard by Libin V Babu version 3.2,
EWWW Image Optimizer by Shane Bishop version 2.0.2,
Floating Social Media Icon by Acurax version 1.3.6,
Newsletter by Stefano Lissa version 3.6.3,
Regenerate Thumbnails by Viper007Bond version 2.2.4,
Resize Image After Upload by iamphilrae version 1.6.1,
Store Locator Plus by Charleston Software Associates version 4.2.07,
Stripe for WooCommerce by Stephen Zuniga version 1.31,
Use Google Libraries by Jason Penney version 1.6.1,
WooCommerce Print Invoice & Delivery Note by Triggvy Gunderson version 3.3.1,
Woocommerce EasyPost Shipping by wanderlust-webdesign.com version 3.0,
Wanderlust Shipment Tracking by Wanderlust Webdesign version 1.3.0,
WooCommerce by WooThemes version 2.2.4,
WordPress HTTPS by Mike Ems version 3.3.6