Card Number Field Not Displaying
For some users, the Card Number field is not displaying.
Upon refreshing a few times, I have noticed that the field does appear dynamically, perhaps with Javascript near the end of the DOM load.
Any insight to resolve this issue would be helpful.
If it works for some, and not others, I would guess that you’re site may be loading too slowly in some cases. I have not heard of the input field not working for some users and working for others.
We added a new method of customizing the CardConnect card number input box’s CSS.
You can inject the height of that box via CSS if you enable the setting described here: then visit the CC setting in WooCommerce’s settings area.
This is due to the way card connect displays their iframe CC field – it needs CSS injected into its API. We have to do a “best guess” on how tall the input field will be, and, since there are a impossible amount of themes that may alter this field normally, it cannot always get it right.
Once you enable the dev options, you’ll have a slew of other options available to you, and one of them is turning off the new iframe API and reverting to the old CardConnect JS methods. This may also help in your case.
If you decide to go with the iframe and inject CSS of your own, make a backup of your DB, or test on a dev version of your site.
If you decide to revert to the older CC JS methods by turning off the iframe setting, you’ll need to test the checkout process to insure orders are working correctly, since this method is no longer recommended.
If you need addition personal assistance, contact CardConnect, and have them forward your site’s login info to me. I’ll need to install a plugin to edit your files, and then test various settings to best accommodate your needs.
We had issues with our credit card form interface after update, and clearing the cache at the web host resolved the issue. So I think everyone needs to know that due to the big change of this update, they really do need to make sure their cache is completely clear or else the whole form will look pretty messed up with potentially broken credit card icons, tiny credit card field, and the inability to validate cards.
Clearing cache at the web host resolved the issues and it all works fine now. I hope this helps others having issues with the interface after update.
May I ask, what version did you update from? And, when?You should always clear your caches after updating your site, this is true for plugins, themes, and posts/pages.
Hopefully, your hosting company provides a way for you to update caches yourself, without the need to contact them.
It’s odd the field shows for me but in Chrome the field size and format continues to be the only field different from the others
I am not sure why that is always the case in Chrome
@ccolotti Please see the above concerning adding your own CSS.
Thanks I enabled the options but does anyone have any settings that are known to work best for that field so there is no trial and error?
I did just notice if you disable the iFRAME API it all looks fine but not sure the ramifications of such.
Any CSS you add would be custom, so there are no common settings specific to your situation.Turning off the iFrame reverts you back to the older methods that the plugin used for tokenization. If it works for you, keep using it. You’ll need to test checkout if iFrame is turned off, as we don’t support it, but left it in there for developer and power user troubleshooting.
I was more curious if there is a basic CSS people have found that just makes the card field look “correct” without trial and error.
And why is this only an issue in Chrome? FF looks fine for that field? There really should not be a need for custom CSS for the card field to work properly.
Actually there are other parts about it that look wrong in FF. Not sure why this plugin is so bad lately compared to other payment gateway’s lie Stripe and PayPal and sadly this is my preferred but finding myself having to potentially disable it completely.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
If I just updated and did nothing, the only issue with CSS was related to caching. So be sure to clear your browser cache fully, your hosting cache, and any plugin caches. It’s possible you don’t see the issue in Firefox because you have cached files on your Chrome browser. Clear Cache Extension for Chrome is helpful.
@askwpgirl Thank you for your assistance and suggestion!
I apologize that we have no fixes for your particular setup. We don’t even know what site you’re having trouble with. We do our best to code for and test as many scenarios as possible, including the 3 major browsers and a handful of the most common themes out there, but there will always be outliers and things we cannot know.You should be able to revert to the previous non-iframe version of the plugin and get it to work for you, with the dev tool I mentioned above. Test a checkout and if you get to the Woo Thank you page, BOOM!, you’re golden. The JS API tokenization version is not slated to be discontinued as far as I know.
I’ll pass alone your concerns with the iFrame styling to CardConnect, and let them know that you have an issue. If you reach out to CardConnect directly, and you can give them access to your server and WP site, they should be able to pass that info on to me, and let me see what I can do to help you specifically. Please note, I am not an employee or rep for CardConnect.
Lastly, there are just not enough users who have told us about their particular CSS customizations, for us to know what is common (0, in fact).
While we would hate to see you not use the plugin, we understand if it does not work for your particular setup. I you have further issues, or need more clarification, please open a new thread, this thread has been closed for a bit.
I cleared hosting cache let me try browser cache. Happy to spin up a staging site to help with it if needed. That did not help. I am using the stock Storefront Theme as well which is pretty basic for sure. so until I can sort it out in staging I may need to disable it.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
I have setup a staging site here if someone can help:
Sandbox mode is Enabled no custom CSS on the iFRAME at all yet.
I am viewing the staging site in Chrome, and it looks great on the checkout page!
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
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