the plugin already tracks the following fields,
zoom-<map-field-name> //map zoom level .
clat-<map-field-name> //map centre latitude.
clng-<map-field-name> //map centre longitude
lat-<map-field-name>//latitude of marker on map
lng-<map-field-name>//longitude of marker on map
address-<map-field-name>//address field if geolocation is enabled
manual-address-<map-field-name> //boolean flag if address was manually changed
<map-field-name> //lat,lng coordinates
all these are submitted, so you can pick up any these values from the submitted $_POST variable.
In order to get the value in the notification mail you will need to create a general mail tag that you can filter and add the value you want. To do this I recommend my other plugin, the Smart Grid-layout extension for CF7 which has a general form mail tag that you can filter. For more information see this video tutorial.