• Resolved Paul Wu


    Another good addition to your plugin is the ability to capture user contact info. eg ask the user to enter their name, contact phone, or email before they can use the chatbot (for leads).

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  • Looking forward to such feature, and was available on competitor’s chatbot system that was under consideration before I decided to purchase yours.

    Personally I think ‘guest’ integration is an imperative feature required to stay on the top choices lists and continue to expand your client base. Lead capture, whether for ecommerce, brand fans, or community building is fundamental and needs to be expanded upon.

    Given the culture of today’s disclosure world, but strive to be straight forward as one can… some models of application use I can foresee

    – – As an ai chatbot, I am always learning, and I appreciate you taking the time to talk today so I can practice my skills at helping visitors to our website. If you would like, you can supply me with your first name, and I will talk to you using your name. [visitor supplies name] Thank you for your cooperation [name], would you mind typing in your email address, this will allow me to remember who you are if you visit our site in the future, and the what the conversations we’ve had previous were about. This gives me the ability to have context to your chats with me, helps me better address your questions, concerns, and inquiries. You can enter your emali address now, or simply type no., or no thank you. [waiting for user reply – user submits email address] Thank you [name], for participating in my training process, I have entered you into our monthly free draw for a [widget prize], Is that ok with you [name?] Well [name], can I answer any questions about the various products and services we have available? I would like to be able help you find the information you are looking for.

    – Ability to offer a discount via chat, if you submit your email, I can send you a 10% discount code on your future purchases at our site in the next 30 days.

    integration with Mailchimp, Aweber, or other various ‘insert api key’ to connect service providers.

    Ability to toggle whether chatbot is to register visitor and continue chat, or toggle so that when new sign ups happen the bot attempts to pass off to live/human support, and if the bot cant pass off, then continues with conversation.

    In continuing the line of not wanting to pass up on opportunity- this same time of lead capture interaction of the ChATgpt model should also be able to integrate into

    Meta (Facebook) Messenger
    Instagram Messsenger

    Such integrations are already being offered by competitor, and crawling around on GitHub, there are code snipplets that address these issues, albeit stand alone.

    It’s kind of the apex in the funnel effect – regardless of the communication platform, it makes sense to have a automated process register and present basic information related to interests / inquiry.

    To standardize that approach, it may be easiest to look at initial interaction like a survey or questionnaire.

    Your name?
    Would you like information about interest/topic A?
    IF YES – supply with 1, 2 or 3 items; either detailed canned replies, inclusion of a video into chat with popout link (and copy of link emailed at that moment)

    if NO – Ok, it is one of our more popular products and services, but there are folks that are more interested in learning about service XYZ that we offer, would you prefer more detailed information on our service that you can review later [Name]?
    If YES – That’s great [Name], I’ve sent you an informative brochure on our XYZ service to your email. That way you can review it when you have time available. Would you like me to set up a follow up meeting for more discussion between us about the XYZ service? Should I schedule a follow up conversation reminder ?

    In my instance, I would be interested more so in capturing data via survey and questionnaire and adding the responses / data to the AI / model’s knowledge base to create a better understanding of instances / prevenances of specific issues, concerns, challenges, – but I would also be interested in being able to toggle two types of data gathering – that which is stored, such as above examples to better build a rapport and profile of the visitor/prospect/lead – and also for the visitor to say, yes, have my email, my phone number, and all sorts of data about me – but, in participating in this specific survey – I want to do so anonymously, and do not want the data as part of my recorded profile.

    Oh, yes, one can dream and wish… heheh. I respect the fact that 100s of hours go into code / features research development – and I chose the series of apps you offered because I preferred your transparent approach to sharing the products of your efforts. I hope that you will be able to work on such enhanced feature development in the near future.
    For now, I concentrate on become familiar with the nuances of setup and customization based upon my org’s needs.


    Plugin Author Jordy Meow



    Of course, it’s something that I am discussing here and there, with many users. I am gathering a lot of feedback and I think I know how I will implement this. Ultimately, you’ll be given this data and you’ll have to register into Mailchimp or any kind of other services though another plugin or through some custom code. My work here is to provide an elegant way to ask specific questions to the visitors in order to get the clean data. In the works!

    My solution for this is to simply task the bot with asking the user for their name and email followed by a conversational quiz in my relevant field (this is the honey pot). The bot is also prompted to generate a link with the relevant answers in parameters url.com/?name=&email=&question1=$&question2= . Bot generates a button right in chat and then redirects to the results page with the info pulled from parameters. While not quite automated (they still need to accept for their email to be added to mailing list on the next page) it is a neat customer journey and feels a lot more natural.

    My understanding through many hours of prompt engineering, you could allow for an option to “Address Logged in Users” like a checkbox with the following choices. This could place the WordPress user data chosen by admin in front of the prompt question the first time. The admin could choose:
    1- username
    2- first & last
    3- first name
    4- last name

    The questions would like this “HI. Reply using my {first name}”

    The User would type “Hi” and only see this, then the reply would be “Hi there John! Glad you are here.” We know the AI will remember this information in further queries for the session.

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