• Hi,
    I would like to capture the NT user name of the user who makes a comment in an intranet-based network [Windows 2003 server, with IIS]
    I do have a snippet of code, found out recently, that works on its own.
    However, being very new to php [with asp background] cannot get this to work.
    I would like this snippet to be inserted after line 967, or near enough, in the ‘pluggable.php’ file; where it sends out an email to the moderator notifying him/her of a new comment. The snippet is:


    Getting netbios info
    CopyLeft 2002 (GNU GPL V2) by polo


    /* get the ip of the client */
    if (isset($_SERVER[“HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR”]))
    } else {
    $ip = $_SERVER[“REMOTE_ADDR”];
    echo ‘ip : ‘.$ip.’

    /* send a “special” packet */
    $fp = fsockopen(‘udp://’.$ip, 137);

    /* wait 2 secs, and get the data */
    socket_set_timeout($fp, 2);
    $data = fread($fp, 256);

    /* get netbios records number */
    $nbrec = ord($data[56]);

    /* display nebios records : the username is a record of type 3 */
    echo ‘<table border=”1″>’;
    echo ‘<tr><th>no</th><th>type</th><th>value</th></tr>’;
    for($i = 0; $i < $nbrec; $i++) {
    $offset = 18 * $i;
    printf (“<tr><td>%02d</td><td>%02X</td><td>%s</td></tr>”,
    ord($data[72 + $offset]),
    trim(substr($data, 57 + $offset, 15)));
    echo ‘</table>’;

    I would be grateful if someone who is a dab hand at php could modify the pluggable file and let me know.

    Thank you.

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