Thanks for your question. Thanks as well for posting the complete text of your shortcodes and a link to the page; very helpful.
The problem you are having is caused by the HTML on the page and by your theme. Without access to the site I can’t experiment to find a fix but I can give you some suggestions.
It looks like the position of the caption is set by script running as part of the theme. You can try to find the CSS styles or the script and changing it; this might be hard.
The pagination controls are generated as HTML < span >
and < a >
elements. You can try wrapping then in HTML < div >
tags and adding some top padding to the div or adding a blank line or two just above the shortcode. You can do this in the text tab of the editor:
<div style="padding-top: 30px">
attachment_category=”Position Statements”
orderby=”meta_key, meta_value”
meta_key=”Date Pub”
In the above example I have used the alternative “enclosing shortcode” syntax so I can spread the parameters out. I have removed some parameters that are not used in the pagination control format. However you code the shortcode the important part is the enclosing div tags and the padding-top style. If the top-padding style doesn’t help you can try adding a blank line or two above the controls:
attachment_category=”Position Statements”
orderby=”meta_key, meta_value”
meta_key=”Date Pub”
I hope the above suggestions are helpful. I am marking this topic resolved because MLA is working as intended and the problem is outside of the plugin’s control. If you have any problems or questions about the suggestions you can post an update and I will give you what help I can. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.