• Resolved username201701


    I have installed the plugin and everything looks great, however, when I submit a form without solving the captcha, it’s sent fine. Therefore this plugin will not catch bots since solving the puzzle isn’t required.

    How can I make the captcha feature required in order to submit the form?

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  • Hello,
    Could you provide a link to your website so I can look at the form?
    Is the CAPTCHA placed at the bottom of the form just above the submit button?
    I have heard some people have had issues when they placed the CAPTCHA at the top of the form.

    Same issue here, we got a lot of SPAM the last weeks.

    You can see the form here:

    Latest versions of Contact Form and Image Captcha Plugin.
    I am not sure, but perhaps the problem exists since the last update (we have SPAM since christmas)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by wp_user1.

    I see what you mean, the CAPTCHA is being completely ignored.
    Do you have any other plugins installed for Contact Form 7?
    The last big update was a change made to how the CAPTCHA is processed which resolved a conflict with “Contact Form 7 Conditional Fields” by Jules Colle, which was made in November. There is a Chance that it opened up a new conflict with another plugin or that another plugin may have updated since Christmas which now conflicts.

    In our case we have Contact Form 7 – Dynamic Text Extension installed (version and Honeypot (1.14.1).
    I deactivated Honeypot now, but same problem occurs.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by wp_user1.

    Do you have any caching plugins installed or did you have Google ReCAPTCHA installed at some point?

    No, both not..

    I installed Contact Form 7 – Dynamic Text Extension and the CAPTCHA continued to work, so it does not look like a compatibility problem with that plugin.

    Could you send me your site health info report?
    Go into Tools -> Site Health then click Info at the top, then click the Copy site info to clipboard button and send it to me by email, kyle at kccomputing.net

    Also could you paste your contact form 7 form editor code here so I can see what it looks like?

    Can’t find this health report..

    Here is the Contact form.

    I can send you access to the WP installation?

    <p>Ihr Name (Pflichtfeld):<br />
    [text* your-name] </p>

    <p>Ihre E-Mail-Adresse (Pflichtfeld):<br />
    [email* your-email] </p>

    <p>Betreff:<br />
    [text your-subject] </p>

    <p>Ihre Nachricht<br />
    [textarea your-message] </p>


    [acceptance acceptance-651]Mit der übermittlung des Kontaktformulars stimmen Sie der Datenschutzerkl?rung zu.

    <p>[submit “Senden”]</p><style type=”text/css”>
    .captcha-image { border: 0px solid white !important; }
    input[type=”checkbox”] { width: 35px !important; margin-left: 0px !important; padding-left: 0px !auto; }
    .captcha-image label { float: left !important; width: 100px !important; clear: none !important; }

    Some people have reported issues when they placed the [cf7ic] to far up the form, maybe try to move the shortcode just above the submit button and see if that resolves the problem.

    <p>[submit “Senden”]</p><style type=”text/css”>

    No Change..

    If you want to create me a temp login to your site, I can take a closer look, just send the login info to

    kyle at kccomputing.net

    yeah I already sent you a mail, perhaps in SPAM?

    I’m not seeing it, could you send me the credentials through my contact form?

    I figured it out.
    The Image CAPTCHA plugin uses php code that only works on PHP version 7+.
    Your site is running PHP version 5.6.40

    I will look into backwards compatibility, for now, I would suggest turning off or deleting the plugin.

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