• This is a complicated issue so i will do my best to explain and include links and HTML snippets to try to help..just hope someone can help me fix this.

    First I must state that I DID NOT create this website…the owner can’t work with the people that did anymore for some reason, and has asked me to help fix a few issues. They did a custom theme so hopefully we can work around that. AND the owner does not want to update WP to the latest version…last time he did that it crashed his site.

    That said…here is the issue:

    Its a very involved site with numerous forms and Captcha fields. Most forms are set up through contact form 7 and the captcha is inserted in the form very simply and works perfect. On the testimonial page however, its different. I believe this is because the testimonials works different…instead of just being sent to form owner, when its filled out it gets sent to the owner to approve…when he approves, it then gets posted on the site.

    Here is the page – https://visionmotorcycletours.com/testimonials/. if you look at the form itself, the captcha overlaps the the submit button and often times doesn’t allow the user to click the submit button. He’s had many issues where people are having trouble submitting their comments. I believe this to be also because the captcha is a math based snippet and people can easily put the wrong answer. If possible he’d like to switch to a more traditional captcha.

    Now, I’ve dug into the code on that page, and the captcha isn’t there. here is the code portion of that found on the comments-testimonials.php file. I know this is correct file because to test i added a field after the first “comment” field and it added it on the site right there.

    <label for=”comment”>Testimonial</label>
    <textarea name=”comment” id=”comment” cols=”58″ rows=”10″ tabindex=”4″></textarea>

    <input name=”submit” type=”submit” id=”submit” tabindex=”5″ value=”Send Testimonial” />
    <?php comment_id_fields(); ?>

    <?php do_action(‘comment_form’, $post->ID); ?>

    Now you will notice no captcha code between the last field and the submit button. It is being fed from somewhere, somehow, but I have no idea where the coding is for that, and if there is a way for me to delete it and add captcha directly in front of the submit button, or find a way to make it view/work correctly.

    Please let me know if I need to find help elsewhere as well…just not sure how to label this topic.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • try this plugin, disable contact form capcha from contact form backend. it adds capcha whereever nesseacy. hope it works for you


    Thread Starter jfores19


    Thank you for the fast reply!

    he already has that captcha plug in installed.

    disable contact form capcha from contact form backend Since this was not done with a traditional contact form there is no backend for the form on the testimonial page that i can find. There is back end for the other contact forms, but they are fine…and they use captcha through short code right in the form backend. this one is completely different and i cannot find any code that puts the captcha in the form on the testimonial page.

    Moderator bcworkz


    There’s some javascript that inserts the captcha. It’s a bit awkward because it occurs in HTML after the submit button but appears before, thus “covering” the submit button. Ideally, move the container that holds the captcha so it occurs before the submit button. Whether that’s possible or not, use CSS to move the button away from the captcha. The entire content div will need to be enlarged to make room.

    The theme may have a place to add custom CSS. It’s often in the customizer. If not, there are plugins that allow you to safely add custom CSS. If you were to simply add it to the theme’s style.css, it can be lost when the theme is updated.

    Thread Starter jfores19


    Thank you – i think you’ve hit the nail on the head…unfortunately your dealing with an idiot. I have never done anything with CSS – and while I’ve tried to “learn” in a few instances, I’m not sure how to actually do that. I create all my sites without having to utilize CSS…probably would be a good idea to study it for more capability but for the here and now I have no clue how to execute what you are saying.

    Also with the container that holds the captcha- i do know what you are referring to but i don’t see anything in the code that looks like it would be that container…if you’d like i can copy paste the entire page code if that would help?

    Sorry and thanks.

    Moderator bcworkz


    No worries, I think it’s time for you to learn how to use your browser’s CSS inspector. It’s one of the developer tools. There should be an element picker icon, usually in the corner, a rectangle with an arrow pointing into it. Activate that, then pick the send button on the page. The selected HTML will show in one side, and the applicable CSS on the other. If you can’t get just the right element, click as close as possible, then hover over the listed HTML until you hit the right input element, then click. You can tryout different rules and the change will be reflected on the page. You can start over by reloading the page. Any changes you make are temporary. For permanent changes you need to add custom CSS to your theme.

    Note the CSS selector #commentform #submit Click the last style in the group (56px;), then press tab to enter a new rule. Enter position, then tab, then relative. Tab to a new style. Enter top, tab, then some number followed by px. Try 65px. Adjust the number to your liking. Don’t worry about it disappearing below.

    Once you get something you like, copy the entire rule to your theme’s custom CSS and delete any styles that you did not add or change.

    Do a similar process for the div container with class testimonial_block. The CSS selector is .testimonial_block. Where the padding rule is 19px, change that to something like 19px 19px 70px 19px. Adjust the 70 to suit. Copy this rule to the custom CSS, removing anything you didn’t add or change. FYI, the first number is the top, next is right, bottom, then left. One number means they’re all the same. Two numbers means top and bottom are the first, left and right the second.

    Have fun further styling the site now that you have the knowledge and power!

    Thread Starter jfores19


    LOL..when I first read your response, i thought it was in Aramaic. but then i looked and started finding what you were talking about.

    This one line of CSS:

    .testimonial_block #respond form input[type=submit]{
    left: 15%;
    position: relative;
    margin: 80px 0px 0px;

    where it said margin, it was 35, i changed it to 80 and it moved the submit button down to where its not being covered by captcha..which is great. I didn’t have to do anything else at this point.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Heh, what ever works! Make sure it works at all sorts of screen widths — down to mobile widths. The CSS file has media query sections which apply override rules at different widths. The rules that are applied due to these changes will appear and disappear in the inspector as the window size changes. The inspector also has a mobile emulator that constrains the screen size and sends a mobile user agent to the server. You may have to reload the page to get the correct data from the server.

    If you need to add a custom media query override, you’ll need to supply the media query definition along with the override rules. While you can create your own media query, it’s usually better to copy whichever one applies from the theme CSS file so that the break points are consistent. Here’s an example media query:

    @media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
      /* rules that apply for widths under 640px */

    Media queries are at the heart of what constitutes responsive design. Once you understand these, you have all the basic CSS you need to know. From here, it’s a matter of trying various things until they work the way you want.

    Thread Starter jfores19


    Thank you so much. tremendous help…but still have a long ways to go…now i have one more question:

    SO the company that initially set it up has the email from this testimonial page going to them when you hit the submit button. He was able to find someone who was able to forward the email where he wants it to go, but i cannot find the post action and email submit for that form anywhere, in order to permanently change it to his email address. Ive looked in the code, in the CSS inspector, in the contact form setup, in the captcha setup, etc. I can find it nowhere.

    With most forms it is very simply in the form setup area but since this testimonial page for was a custom one its not there.

    Hopefully i am describing this issue correctly…?

    Thanks again.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Yes, I understand. Oddly, the form HTML indicates the form gets submitted as a post comment. I’m fairly sure that never happens, that some JS or jQuery script runs on the submit click, suppresses the default action, and does it’s own thing. The email address might be in one of the responsible files, or it can be in the PHP file that handles the script’s request. It’s not unusual to obfuscate email addresses in JS files since anyone or any bot can access it. It’s less likely to do so on PHP files, but someone can decide to do so anyway.

    You could use an HTTP traffic tool to determine where the request is actually going. I’ve used the HTTPFox add-on for Firefox for this sort of thing successfully. I’m sure there’s other tools available. Once you figure out where the request is going, you can trace through the destination code in hopes of discovering the email.

    If the email is sent through the wp_mail() function, it would be possible to filter for the current address and when it occurs, substitute a new address. There’s no guarantee wp_mail() is used. A quick test would be to locate the wp_mail() function declaration and temporarily add a wp_die() call, then do a test send. If you get the message passed to wp_die(), then wp_mail() is used. If not, wp_mail() is not used and the options are diminished.

    If it’s unclear how the mail is sent, the best thing to do would be to replace the form with one where you have full control over what it does. A lot of people use Contact Form 7 plugin to collect information and have the results emailed somewhere. You can easily replicate the same form with CF7, styling it to look the same. CF7 also has a couple Captcha type options available, including reCaptcha and a simple quiz thingy.

    Thread Starter jfores19


    Yeah i think the main reason is that its not a form like the others…it is a comment page, so all the comments submitted need to go to an approval email address, and the email address that is being used we can’t find. Not sure how he forwarded it to his other email, but he did do that. He just doesn’t want this other company that he doesn’t work with anymore to have access to his testimonials and such. I did a search through the settings, since that is where the “comments” or “posts” pages have their settings. bHere is a screen shot of the settings so i wonder if these are the settings that need t0 change??


    Thread Starter jfores19


    Okay heres an update. Take a look at this screenshot:

    screenshot 2

    Now the top admin line with the vmt@jwdmc email is the one that his original web designer is using to send the testimonials to. That is not the site owners email. I think we somewhere in the code it is defaulting to send the testimonials to that main admin…is there somewhere i can simply switch that. It would not let me change the email address in the user page.

    My guess is somewhere in the script or PHP code for the testimonial submit button it has a short code of sending to [admin] or something like that. so if i can’t change it on the user page, i need to find this short code or whatever and simply change that to larry_admin (the third user down) as he is the site owner and that is his email. Hope that helps.

    Moderator bcworkz


    If the form really is handled as a comment, the notifications are sent by default to the author of the post the comment is supposedly related to. If an option is checked in the discussion settings, the admin email specified in general settings is also notified. Either one of these is a possibility for where the email is being sent. Like wp_mail(), there are filters where you can capture the undesired address and replace with the proper one if you cannot find the original source.

    ‘comment_notification_recipients’ is for the author.
    ‘comment_moderation_recipients’ if for the admin/moderator.

    As these filters are specific for comments, they are preferable to the generic wp_mail() filter.

    Thread Starter jfores19


    Honestly i just don’t know. i can’t find any reference in the general settings to the admin email. aside from a spot that just says Email Address: [email protected]
    This address is used for admin purposes, like new user notification.

    but as you can see, that would be the correct email address for the owner, not the main admin role which is that vmt@jwd….email. i checked the discussion settings and i don’t see any box that would tell it to send to the email in the general settings either.

    And quite frankly i don’t understand the filters, where to find them or how to manipulate them. I looked through all the darn php and html to find reference to email and that specific address but i couldn’t find ANYTHING!

    is there a way to delete that top admin role, and make larry_admin the main admin user? he told me he would like to remove them completely off the site. Im not sure what would happen if i tried to delete that first admin user. Could I alter the email if i changed the password, logged in as that user? Maybe something along those lines would redirect the emails automatically to the right address? I did find an article that described getting rid of the admin username account, and that you would assign a different user as the default admin…and that all associations would automatically change. I don’t want to do that unless i know whats going to happen.

    sorry just brainstorming here.

    Moderator bcworkz


    What you read is correct. When you delete a user, you are prompted to indicate what to do with any content authored by that user. The choices are to either delete content they authored, or to attribute it to another user.

    Outside of multi site installations, there is no concept of “top” admin user. One either is an admin or not. There are no extra privileges attributed to any of them by default. (Plugins might change this concept) There is that one email in settings that admin notifications are sent to, but it is unrelated to users, admin or not. It may be any address at all, it does not even need to be a current user.

    You can change any user attributes that cannot be changed through the usual WP interface by using the phpMyAdmin database app that is normally accessed through the hosting account’s control panel. But if you are logged in as an admin user, you can pretty much change any other user’s attributes just by choosing to edit that user in the admin area.

    If you are not able to log in as an admin, but can access phpMyAdmin, you can alter an admin user’s password hash and gain access that way. Specifics of this and a few other techniques are documented in the Codex.

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