Capability manage_options vs edit_themes
I have a question regarding the capabilities manage_options and edit_themes, particularly in the nature of their differences with respect to the Administrator and the Super Administrator roles in WP-MS.
In my theme I have these lines:
add_menu_page("Suffusion", "Suffusion", 'edit_themes', basename(__FILE__), 'suffusion_render_options'); add_submenu_page(basename(__FILE__), "Custom Types", "Custom Types", "manage_options", "suffusion-custom-types", 'suffusion_render_custom_types');
The first line is to configure theme options, while the second is to set up custom post types. When I am logged in as a Super Administrator in WP-MS I see both links in my admin menu. But when I am logged in as an administrator I only see the second link (the one requiring “manage_options” capability) and not the first (requiring “edit_themes”).
Is this expected behavior? Should the administrators not be allowed to set theme options? It doesn’t make much sense because for a site within my MS setup I can configure the theme options separately, but only as a Super Administrator, not as an Administrator. The way I see it, there are a few possibilities:
1. This might be a bug in WP and edit_themes should allow both, Super Admin and Admin
2. Or I should modify my theme to add the theme options menu for manage_options rather than edit_themes (since all the settings are stored in an option anyway). I am not sure if this is accepted practice, though.
3. Or there probably exists another capability for multi-site administrators that I am missing.
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