• Resolved Kowsar Hossain


    Its a nice plugin, i must confess. But it has a limitation. It doesn’t provides all available styles for use. Currently I am using a font named “Source Sans Pro” which has 12 different styles (eg. Semi-Bold, Ultra-Bold, Extra-Light etc). With this plugin i can only choose regular font styles of any fonts, nothing else. Can you give me a solution?


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  • Plugin Author KAPlugins


    thank you for you issue. Please wait about 2-3 days for plugin update. I’ll fix this behaviour by adding all available styles. Do you have any hints or it will be ok if I add all styles?

    Thread Starter Kowsar Hossain


    Thanks, I rated this plugin 5 stars for quick feedback. I hope you can implement all available styles, though it’s a lot of work searching for all styles :). But believe me, it’ll be a perfect plugin if you do this and if you update your plugin time to time when google adds new fonts (updating once in a month is ok i think). Anyway, waiting for your next awesome release ??

    Plugin Author KAPlugins


    fix published

    Thread Starter Kowsar Hossain


    still can’t use all font styles ??

    Plugin Author KAPlugins


    Can you tell me what are you looking for? How would you like to use all font styles – please describe step by step what are you doing in visual editor and what should I add – I added including all google font styles but I don’t know what are you looking for

    Thread Starter Kowsar Hossain


    This is what currently have: https://oi58.tinypic.com/rwo0mq.jpg
    This is what I was looking for: https://oi61.tinypic.com/140xbq1.jpg

    Plugin Author KAPlugins


    Okay, on install list this is only old text – new version installs all available styles without selection. If you send me your url I will examine if all fonts are properly included.

    Thread Starter Kowsar Hossain


    This is site URL: https://livingrawsomely.com/

    Plugin Author KAPlugins


    Can you click uninstall Source Sans Pro and after that install it again? Let me know if you did it I will check your page again.

    Plugin Author KAPlugins


    I see now on your page that plugin is loading all available styles of Source Sans Pro

    Thread Starter Kowsar Hossain


    I uninstalled and install again. and Wow! I think all styles are loaded now. but how can i use it without touching css? i mean if there were a “font-weight” button in editor it would be easy to choose other styles ??

    Plugin Author KAPlugins


    You can always try <span style=”font-weight: 900;”>formatted text</span> in html editor – it’s workaround but should work ??

    I have version 1.2.7 of KAPlugins installed and I am unable to use settings — I get the message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” Yet I am admin.

    What I am really looking for is how to apply semibold to Open Sans.
    I see Font and Size… I see the regular bold icon, but nothing to see how to apply semibold? Actual steps or what I may need to write in text editor would be a great help.

    I have version 1.2.7 of KAPlugins installed and I am unable to use settings — I get the message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” Yet I am admin.

    What I am really looking for is how to apply semibold to Open Sans.
    I see Font and Size… I see the regular bold icon, but nothing to see how to apply semibold? Actual steps or what I may need to write in text editor would be a great help.

    Plugin Author KAPlugins


    Hi @michinstant,
    sorry that I haven’t responded earlier – I didn’t follow closed topics ??
    According to your question: this plugin does not offer usage of semibold fonts yet.
    This plugin also needs manage_options capability which is assigned to role Admin & SuperAdmin so maybe some other plugin has changed something in your capabilities?

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