Can’t upload pictures when I write a post
In ‘Write Post’ the blue tinted box containing the commands for me to browse my desktop to find a picture and then upload it has gone.. in its place is a load of script (below).
I can’t now add a picture to my posts.. can anyone help. It’s wierd.. Has worked fine for over a year, and it’s still visible on the ‘Write Page’ page!?<!– edCanvas = document.getElementById(‘content’); // This code is meant to allow tabbing from Title to Post (TinyMCE). if ( tinyMCE.isMSIE ) document.getElementById(‘title’).onkeydown = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; if (e.keyCode == 9 && !e.shiftKey && !e.controlKey && !e.altKey) { var i = tinyMCE.selectedInstance; if(typeof i == ‘undefined’) return true; tinyMCE.execCommand(“mceStartTyping”); this.blur(); i.contentWindow.focus(); e.returnValue = false; return false; } } else document.getElementById(‘title’).onkeypress = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; if (e.keyCode == 9 && !e.shiftKey && !e.controlKey && !e.altKey) { var i = tinyMCE.selectedInstance; if(typeof i == ‘undefined’) return true;
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