• I had the WordFense (WF) plugin installed and I noticed I had not received an email from the plugin for a while, which is odd for WordFense. I checked the site and I noticed that WF was displayed in the list of plugins and the WF menu items was gone. I am not sure why it stopped working displaying. I logged into my hosts’ account management portal and I noticed that there were changes to the WordFense plugin folder (looking at the last updated date). Thinking it was perhaps hacked I manually removed the plugin. Even before removing the plugin when I tried to update a plugin (or even search for plugins) I get the following error …

    Update Failed: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN”> 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. Apache Server at godquest.com Port 443

    I tried disabling all the plugins and still received the error. I switched to the default theme and received the error. I am at the stage now that I will likely try to reinstall WordPress.

    I did, however, read a couple of articles about WordFense having an issue with GoDaddy. Given the fact that I completely removed the WF plugin I don’t think that is the issue. I am going to reach out to GoDaddy but I doubt they will be helpful. One thing I noticed after running the site health plugin it complains that the PHP version is out of date. For the hosting level with GoDaddy the highest version of PHP they offer is 5.6. Could this be part of the issue?

    Any clues on what is being called when I hit the update plugin link? Maybe I can troubleshoot from there.

    Any suggestions or ideas?

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