You can search for these strings in the Translation Editor – list of strings, by typing the beginning of the string and it should appear as a suggestion for you to select and add the translation. You can also search in the String Translation Interface – Regular and Gettext tabs.
To display regular strings in the String Translation Interface, you need to check the option “Show regular strings tab in String Translation” in TranslatePress Advanced Settings – Debug.
If these strings still cannot be found, it’s possible they are not being detected. You can use one of the conditioning options below, duplicate the elements from Mapplic and add the text in both languages on your site, conditioning them to appear based on the selected language:
You can use our Conditional Shortcode Based On Language to display different content for different languages https://translatepress.com/docs/translation-shortcode/, or if your website is built with Elementor, you can restrict the modules based on language using our Restrict by Language integration: https://translatepress.com/docs/restrict-by-language/elementor-integration/.
Also, we have similar integrations with Oxygen Builder, https://translatepress.com/docs/restrict-by-language/oxygen-builder-integration/, and WP Bakery, https://translatepress.com/docs/restrict-by-language/wpbackery-integration/.
Kind Regards,
This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by