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  • Hey frano,

    Thanks for posting! The field labels are actually pulled in from the names of your field in your MailChimp list. This means that in order to translate them, you’ll want to change the field names from inside of your MailChimp account.

    This article walks through how to find your merge fields area, where those field labels can be changed: Where can I find my list’s merge tags?:

    Alternatively, you can change them from the signup form builder as well.

    Once you’ve changed these field names you can then go into your wp-admin area, go to this plugin’s settings and update your list using the ‘update list’ button at the top.

    Let us know if you have any questions. ??

    Thread Starter Frenkie


    Thank you very much, searched for hours but did not find these settings there:). Just started using mailchimp and like it very much, aswell as the plugin.

    I did not use the signup form builder because this forces me to add the mailchimp logo to my sign up form, i’d rather leave that out:).

    Could you also tell me how to translated the texts that pop-up below the sign up form when i try to sign up with an emailadres that already exists?

    Great, happy to hear. ??

    The success/error messages that appear with the plugin signup form can be controlled by editing your .po and .mo files. To edit these:

    -Locate your po files in your plugin directory.
    -Copy “mailchimp_i18n-en_US.po” to “mailchimp_i18n-LANG_COUNTRY.po” – fill in LANG and COUNTRY with whatever you use for WPLANG in wp-config.php
    -Grab a transalation editor like POedit.
    -Open the .po file and translate each line that you wish to change.
    -Save. Upon saving, you should see an accompanying .mo file with your new .po as well.

    You should see your new translations take effect.

    Let us know if you have any questions. ??

    Thread Starter Frenkie


    Thanks for your great and friendly help, worked all out:)

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