• Hello,

    i use your plugin and i changed something in the schreikasten.php.
    Now i cant send messages. can u help me?

    my site https://www.sparchef.de


    //Get the avatar using the specific size
    if($options[‘avatar’]) {

    $comment_text=sk_format_text( wp_kses( (string)$comment->text, $sk_allowed) );
    $comment_text=str_replace(“<p>”, “”, $comment_text);
    $comment_text=str_replace(“</p>”, “”, $comment_text);

    //If we have to hide this comment it’s because this is the
    //section that would display the message while we ask if it’s spam.
    //Then we have to set the comment part as the section that would have
    //the message and the alias.
    $th_alias_id = $th_text_id = “”;
    if($hide) {
    $th_alias_id = ” id=’th_sk_alias$rand'”;
    $th_text_id = ” id=’th_sk_text$rand'”;

    /*$cp_points = “”;
    if(function_exists(‘cp_displayPoints’) && $comment->user_id>=0) {
    $cp_points = sprintf(” (%s)”,cp_displayPoints($comment->user_id, true, true));
    $points = apply_filters(‘sk_points’, “”, $comment);

    //Create the comment text

    $item.=”<div style=’min-height: “.$av_size.”px;’>”.”

    <div class=’skwidget-comment6′>”.$avatar.” <div class=’timeshout’>(“.$comment->date.”)</div></div>

    <div class=’skwidget-comment5’$th_alias_id>”.sanitize_text_field($comment->alias).$points.”</div>

    <div class=’skwidget-comment4′>”.$comment_text.”</div>
    <div style=’clear: both;’></div>

    if($options[‘layout’]==SK_LAYOUT_QA) {
    if($replies = sk_format_replies($comment->id,$sk_canmannage,$rand)) $item.=$replies;

    //if we show avatars, use the images
    $id = $comment->id;

    $user_id = $comment->user_id;
    //Set the comment owner type
    $usertype = ‘sk-user-user’;
    if($user_id>0) {
    $comment_user = get_userdata($user_id);
    $capabilities = $comment_user->wp_capabilities; //->administrator;
    if(isset($capabilities[‘author’]) && $capabilities[‘author’]==1) $usertype = ‘sk-user-author’;
    if(isset($capabilities[‘editor’]) && $capabilities[‘editor’]==1) $usertype = ‘sk-user-editor’;
    if(isset($capabilities[‘administrator’]) && $capabilities[‘administrator’]==1) $usertype = ‘sk-user-admin’;

    $sk_id = “id=’sk-$rand-$id'”;
    $class = “class=’$divClass $usertype'”;
    if($hide) {
    $class = “class=’throbber-img-off’ style=’visibility: hidden;'”;
    $sk_id = “id=’throbber-img$rand'”;

    if($options[‘avatar’]) {
    $answer.=”\n<div $class $sk_id>
    } else { //else, it’s a list item
    $answer.=”\n<li $class $sk_id>
    return $answer;

    * Returns the name of the owner of the comment
    * @param int id The comment id
    * @return string The name of the owner, false on error
    * @access public

    function sk_name_by_id($id)
    global $wpdb;
    $answer = false;

    //Get the comments to show
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . “schreikasten”;
    $sql=”SELECT alias FROM $table_name WHERE id=$id”;
    $comments = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    if(is_array($comments)) {
    foreach($comments as $comment) {
    $answer = $comment->alias;

    return $answer;

    * Returns the page where this comment is
    * @param int id The comment id
    * @return string The page number, false on error
    * @access public

    function sk_page_by_id($id)
    global $wpdb;
    $answer = 1;

    $options = get_option(‘sk_options’);

    //Get the comments to show
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . “schreikasten”;
    $sql=”SELECT count(*) FROM $table_name WHERE id>=$id AND status=”.SK_HAM;
    if($comments = $wpdb->get_var($sql)) {
    $answer = ceil($comments/$size);

    return $answer;

    this and something other i changed. but i dont know what :D. plz help :/. i think i changed the something with random ?!?.


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  • Thread Starter maltino123


    I did it! i forgot to put

    <div class=’skwidget-comment4′$th_text_id>”.$comment_text.”</div>

    $th_text_id in text

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