• I have been looking for something like this and it looks wonderful. However, I can’t get it to work on my site ?? I installed and activated and it looks like it is installed. But when I click around my site (www.greenlancer.com) I don’t see any URLs going into the User Tracking page. And when I add ?drawHeatMap=true to, say, https://www.greenlancer.com/home/ I see the thing in the lower left corner but it doesn’t have any values other than width. No device, or browser, etc, filled out. I tried with both use heatmaps.js and not.

    I am wondering if it is because our site is behind SSL? Is your plugin not usable with SSL?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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  • Plugin Author dpowney


    Hi Jenn,

    Yes possibly an SSL issue. Some of the JavaScript files are not being recognized. Can you first try setting the WordPress Address (URL) in the Admin General Settings to https? In the mean time I will look at how the plugin assets are being included with SSL. This blog post has some clues: https://snippets.webaware.com.au/snippets/cleaning-up-wordpress-plugin-script-and-stylesheet-loads-over-ssl/


    Thanks for developing this plugin. I am excited to get it working but as of now I am having a problem. Can you point me in a direction so I can fix it?

    I am having the same issue with heat maps not showing up at all on https://www.bitcentral.com. I do see all of the Admin info with information for each page that visitors have viewed and clicked on but when I click to view the page with the heat map a window pops up saying Loading then nothing happens.

    We do not use SSL on our site at all.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Plugin Author dpowney


    Hi Shannon,

    It works fine for me. I checked using Firefox. Here’s a screenshot https://tinypic.com/r/2dm6wl5/5

    Are you still having problems? Try changing your hot value option to 1 if you’re using heatmap.js.

    Cheers, Daniel

    Hi Daniel, thanks for the reply. I am on a Mac (10.8.4) and it doesn’t work at all in Chrome (28.0.1500.95). I get fleeting functionality out of Firefox (23.0) and nothing in Safari (6.0.5) either.

    Have you tested on Mac browsers?



    Also posting that I have this exact same issue in IE/Chrome/FireFox.

    The data is all in the backend but the heatmap itself will not generate.

    Plugin Author dpowney


    Hi, does your theme support HTML5? Please post your website URL so I can check. Thanks.



    Hi dpowney,

    Yes the theme uses HTML5 (using a child theme for Enfold), the link is d-tailscaninecenter.com.


    Plugin Author dpowney


    Hi. Can you download the latest version of the plugin and test if it still happens? Thanks. What os and browser versions did you test?

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