Let’s try again. Seems I assumed you did something.
Try from scratch ok? Delete everything you’ve done and start all over
1. Create a new Page and name it Albums. Under drop down menu named “template”, select Gallery. Check the settings for the Album page in this pic.
2. Create another page named Weddings. Click on it, go to page attributes in the bottom right hand corner of the page. Under Parent, Select Album. Under Template, select Album also. Once you select album for both, the Text firld will disappear and you will see the upload image function. Upload images you want in that folder. Save the page.
3. * Go to Appearance-Menu. Tick the checkboxes of the pages you have created and click on “Add to Menu”. They will move to the Menu Structure on the right hand side.
4. This is where the entire structure for your website is. You can now drag and drop pages under each other. So you will drag the page named Wedding as a sub page under Albums. Save the Menu and refresh your page.
https://s6.postimg.org/bfrimnt41/image.jpg is what I got!
Hope you ll get it too