• Resolved itxpressnc


    Installed free plugin for a client to test out anticipating we’d buy the Pro version, but can’t get it to work at all. New WP install. Activated plugin. When options page loads – none of the options are set. Set a few click save. Returned page has all options empty.

    Same with Data Manager. Set a bunch of categories, statues, etc. Reload the page, nothing.

    Yet in the database – it’s all been saved. Lots of stuff in the term tables that I’d tried to create. But it’s like the plugin can’t read the tables, only write?


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  • Thread Starter itxpressnc


    So apparently none of the plugin tables are getting created. Found this in error_log:

    [Sat Jan 23 13:41:07 2016] [warn] [client x.x.x.x] mod_fcgid: stderr: \t\t\t\tCREATE TABLE wp_estatik_manager_types (type_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type_title varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (type_id)) , referer: https://xxxxxxx.com/wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s

    What’s with the tabs in front of all the commands? Still digging…

    Thread Starter itxpressnc


    So apparently it’s an issue with the file encoding. It looks like the plugin files are Windows encoded vs Unix encoded (or UTF8). So in the activation script where commands are indented so nicely:

    $wpdb->query(“CREATE PROCEDURE upgrade_$table()^M
    WHERE table_name = ‘$table’^M
    AND table_schema = ‘$db_name’) ^M
    CREATE TABLE $table ($fields_to_create, PRIMARY KEY ($primary)) ^M

    The CREATE has 4 tabs in front of it and they’re being fed into MySQL instead of ignored.

    Trying to find a setting that’ll ignore this – but first time I’ve ever run into something like this…

    Plugin Author Estatik



    Please do contact us so we could send you the version with a fix which should work fine..


    Thread Starter itxpressnc


    The tabs may have been only part of the problem. I went in and edited the activation script to remove all tabs and ^M characters in the MySQL command sections (CREATE and ALTER), and then got this:

    [Sat Jan 23 13:41:06 2016] [warn] [client xxxxxxxx] mod_fcgid: stderr: WordPress database error Access denied for user ‘db_wood’@’%’ to database ‘wp_woods’

    OK that makes no sense. WordPress and all the other plugins can access the database just fine. I’m completely dumbfounded how I’m getting access denied errors from a single plugin.

    Thread Starter itxpressnc


    Thanks for the quick reply. I wiped out the site, started over, used the version you sent to try and everything created like it was supposed to.

    FYI if it helps, our MySQL version was 5.1.66

    itxpressnc we have the same problem, can you help us resolve it ?
    I can’t test Estatik because data is not saved.

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