• Resolved Sandy


    Hello –

    I have been using this plugin for a long time and had great results with it. Very helpful!

    I just created a new wp blog with 3.7.1 and this plug in (v2.3) and all looks well.

    I ran into a problem were I wanted to back out of a change so went to restore (clicked the restore link) and a mostly blank page comes up with the message –

    “Are you sure you want to do this?” and a link under that that says “please try again”. Also the page title comes up as “WordPress Failure Notice”.

    The revisions are being limited correctly but can’t restore any of them.

    IF I turn off (deactivate) the REVISION CONTROL plugin I can restore revisions by clicking the link and restoring from the comparison screen.

    Everything seems to be OK with the wp install or so I think ??

    Not sure if anyone else is seeing this or something else I should look into.



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