• Generalvivi


    The other day i was checking out my blog and I expanded the “links” section on the side to find a link that I had not put there myself. It says “Cheap Web Hosting” and for the life of me I can’t remove it! I deleted it from the links section from my wp-admin and it just pops up 1 second later! I just recently updated and thought that might help fix it but it hasn’t!

    Can someone please shed some light for me! I don’t want this on my site!

    (steps to repro)
    1. go to https://www.chellslegend.com/blog
    2. Expand the “links” section on the left side by hitting the plus sign
    3. notice the “Cheap web hosting” link at the bottom.

    Someone please help!

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  • zelphi, after your upgrade from what version? I’m happy to help, off the list, if you like. if so, e-mail me, whoo ((at)) village-idiot.org and we can talk.

    Hi –

    A friend of mine had the same issue. It was tied to the theme. If I switched the them to one of the ones that came with WP, the link would stay removed after I deleted it. If I moved back to the custom theme my friend created (based on another theme), the unwanted link came back.

    I then looked in the theme files and found a line that began —

    <?php eval(base64_decode('with_a_lot_characters_in_between_')); ?>

    in the header.php file.

    So far I have deleted that line and the link hasn’t come back. Knock on wood.


    @basnyd: If that was in the header.php file, I’ll bet it’s in lots of other files on your account as well…you may want to take a look. It’s usually the first link in the file. That was a pretty ugly hack that impacted literally thousands of sites…and not just WordPress sites.


    I got the same problem for a while and I tried everything before coming across this post.

    @basnyd: Removing that code in the header.php file really helped delete that silly link.

    By the way it is a long code with hundreds of numbers and letters, easy to spot and @figaro: I checked all the files and couldn’t see anymore of that code.

    Thanks a lot.

    Thank you! You saved my life!!

    Looked all over the internet for the solution and only found it here…


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