• Hello

    I have just started a new wp blog, (my first) and I tried setting up the post via email option.

    I set up a dedicated pop email address for this and included the login and password info in the admin area.

    I’ve tried sending an email to the address, but they just sit on the email server, they don’t get posted to the blog.

    This would be a great function to have to be able to post to the blog while traveling from a wireless device without having to access the admin to post.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for any suggestions!

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  • For reference:


    My guess is the missing cron job as you don’t mention that you’ve done one.

    Hope this helps,

    I am having this same problem. And atlas! I find the solution here! But heres another issue. For the site that I want to use this feature on, it is hosted with a company that does not provide cron! (GoDaddy) I do have another hosting account over at HostGator that does support cron. Would setting up a cron to preform this task at my hostgator account work even if I am hosting the blog at Godaddy? It seems as if it shouldn’t be a problem as long as I use complete URL pathes. What are your thoughts?

    I didn’t set up a cron job but instead used the iframes method (pasting the code into the footer) as described on the same page

    Worked for me.

    Okay, so how do you set up a cron job for this? What is the UNIX command line to do this? Because it didn’t mention adding a cron job when requesting fields such as pop3 server, username, password, etc.

    Well I figured out the cron job stuff (e.g. posting every minute is as follows): (if hosting on typical cPanel web hosting service, like https://www.toneeecom
    * * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/name_of_user/public_html/wp-mail.php

    So it’s collecting the mail, but NOT posting the body of the emails, only the subjects. This is horrible! What do you think is the problem?

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