• I installed the latest version of WordPress 2.0 a few days ago from scratch, not an upgrade, and everything works flawlessly when using Firefox (version 1.5) (so impressed by how easily it went). Another user/editor uses IE (not sure which version) and she can view the blog and login to her account, but when she clicks “Write a Post” and the browser tries to load wp-admin/post.php, the page starts to load (title bar changes) but it spins forever without ever displaying anything in the window (the status bar at the bottom slowly grows but stalls out at five segments). I replicated the exact-same behavior using my (rarely used) copy of IE (Version 6) (Blog loads; I can login; I can’t “Write a Post”).

    That’s all you need to understand my problem, but for those that care, some even more techie analysis follows: I think it’s a javascript hiccup, because if I “View Source” from Firefox, save the output directly to a test.html file on the same webserver, the same thing happens, and then if I delete the first five or six “<script></script>” blocks, and load the file in IE, it renders.

    I’m sure this is specific to my installation, because this sounds like too significant a problem to be universal, but any ideas?

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  • I’m having a similar problem and but can’t post in IE or FF. Still searching for a solution.

    What plug-ins are you using? Try disabling any plug-ins one at a time and seeing if any of them cause the problem. WP 2.0 should load flawlessly with IE and/or firefox. – Trip

    I tried disabling the plugins as well as the cache, but still can’t post. Other thoughts?

    Hmm, Did you add any quick tags?

    No…there are links in the post but I tried just text as well and no go. Since a short post will go with no problems, I wonder if there are any issues regarding lengh of post??? This is driving me nuts!

    This is my error: https://www.divaknitting.com/blog/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=233 /blog/wp-admin/post.php https://www.divaknitting.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5 403

    Ah, The site looks good. 403 is forbidden. Strange. A short post shouldn’t work either in that case unless there is a certain element that is contained in the post that is inaccessible.

    I suspect a CSS problem on your site because both IE and FF don’t work.

    This would be easily confirmed by temporarily switching out themes and trying a longer post. These are definately confusing.

    I see a lot of xhtml errors on your site which may indicate malformed HTML. This can cause huge problems and generally stems from poorly structured CSS or improper use of the tags. This is not a major deal but it could be that some element in the long post may be pulling in a bad CSS definition.

    Go to : https://validator.w3.org/

    and enter in https://www.divaknitting.com/blog/ for validation to see the errors.

    The site looks great however.

    Note that 2.0 might break some themes.


    Thanks so much for looking, Trip. I’ll check the validation stuff and see if that helps. I did try a different theme earlier and that didn’t work either. I’m stuck. I even deleted the whole /blog directory and reinstalled wordpress and still get the same…makes sense still then it might be css even though the other theme didn’t work? Thanks again!

    sorry to hijack ohm…hope our discussion helps with your problem.

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