Hi mxpimp47, in regards to your comment….
Why would this be?
I am not sure why you are experiencing this issue with Google Chrome and Safari on your Mac. There must be something that is causing this issue within your Mac system.
We’re not using some crazy css rules that need to be specific to certain browser.
No, absolutely not if that was the case then so many other users of this plugin running a Mac system would also complaint.
I have also tested my code above in Google Chrome and it also carries out the changes. So it is safe to say that the plugin works well but it is something else in your Mac system thats causing the problem.
Also when you carry out the css changes via the browser for example in Google Chrome, those changes will never save.
You need to work out what changes need to be carried out using inspect element through the browser and then FTP into the server. Download the plugin css file that needs to be edited. Make the changes locally and upload the file again to the server. In some cases some themes allow for this to be carried out withing a theme settings. Some use a plugin that accepts css changes.
Remember the following ID input#fscf_submit1 is all you need to make the changes.
If you don’t require any more help with this issue could you mark this support thread as resolved.
Thank you