• Hello,
    I have a non-hierarchical CPT with following settings:

    ‘supports’ => array( ‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘author’, ‘page-attributes’, ‘post-formats’ ),
    hierarchical’ => false,

    I just add page-attributes to the list of supported post type features.
    But the Drag and Drop does not work.

    Anu help would be really appreciated.


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  • hierarchical needs to be true

    Actually, if you have ‘page-attributes’ supported, it should work whether it’s hierarchical or not.

    Could be a template thing, if the ‘orderby’ property is set for the query elsewhere.

    John Brand


    Actually you can use the filter to override it.

    add_filter( 'simple_page_ordering_is_sortable', 'custom_turn_off_simple_page_ordering_for_pages', 10, 2 );
    function custom_turn_off_simple_page_ordering_for_pages( $sortable, $post_type ) {
    	// Turn on ONLY for portfolio custom post type
    	if ( $post_type == 'portfolio')
    		$sortable = true;
    		$sortable = false;
    	return $sortable;
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