Can't Login to Forums or contact admin
If you read the topic title, you may be asking “well then, how did you post this?” Well, it wasn’t as easy as you might think. Upfront though, my apologies if this is not the right place to post this request for help with logging into these forums. I just can’t find a better place and have searched for other posts about this before posting this:
Recently, I decided I wanted to post in the forums to ask for some help with a particular plugin. I tried to login but found that my password no longer worked. That’s strange, but ok I’ll just click on “forgot?” and reset my password. This takes me to where I see the message “An email has been sent to the address we have on file for you. If you don’t get anything within a few minutes, or your email has changed, you may want to get in touch with the webmaster or forum administrator here.” So then I check my email and click on the link to reset my password and I’m taken to the same page (except the url has a keycode which I don’t think is working) with the same message as above (“An email has been sent to…you may want to get in touch with the webmaster or forum administrator here.”) with no apparent way to get in and change my password and no link or instructions on how to contact the webmaster or forum administrator. I tried using the full url in Firefox and IE8 and got the same results. In fact, I can’t find information anywhere on this site on how to contact these folks. If you can clearly see how to do this, sincerely I would love for you to show me.
Ok, so maybe the info is difficult (or impossible) to find by design. But I’m not trying to contact an admin to get WordPress support, I just wanted to be able to fix my password issue with these forums.
So, having no other option that I could find to communicate, I had to create a new registration with a different email address, so that I could post in this forum and suggest that maybe something isn’t working right with the password recovery for the forums here. Obviously, I can now post (which is great) but I thought it would be good to try and notify someone about this problem. And I know that ideally you don’t want people creating multiple superfluous registrations here as a way around it.
“There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza…” (hee, hee)
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