Ok, you’re going to have to manually uninstall W3 Total Cache so that you can properly reset the plugins. Basically, there’s a plugin causing the problem, but the problem is also being cached by W3TC.
To do that, access your server via SFTP or FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel, navigate to /wp-content/plugins/
directory and delete the /w3-total-cache/
Next, edit the wp-config.php
file on the server in a plain text editor and remove this line:
define( 'WP_CACHE', true );
Next, delete the advanced-cache.php
files and the entire /wp-content/w3tc/
Finally, edit the .htaccess file in WordPress’s directory with a plain text editor to remove any items added by W3TC.
Now, try manually resetting your plugins (no Dashboard access required). If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.