• Resolved thebigtine


    I am using profile builder because my client wants email confirmation for users. The theme we are using already has login/register functionality, but we want to use profile builder for the above stated reason. I am using custom redirects from wp-login.php with this code:

    function yobd_reg_redirect(){
      global $pagenow;
      if( 'wp-login.php' == $pagenow ) {
        if ( isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=='register') { ?>
                window.location.assign("<?php home_url() ?>/create-an-account/");
            <?php }
        else wp_redirect(home_url('/user-login'));

    register page works but login does not

    this is the url: https://winft.org/user-login/


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  • Hi,

    I registered into your website to test out the registration/login form. Can you please deactivate all other plugins and use a default WordPress theme to see if there is a plugin/theme conflict?

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter thebigtine


    Thanks for getting back. I figured out what is was. It was the action="domain.com/wp-login.php" because I had written a custom redirect whenever someone tried to login it would try to send and then redirect and well you get the picture. I have fixed it thanks.

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