It’s not me this time, it’s other users, and considering we are using this on multiple sites, some with 2500 members, others with 700, the fact that a handful of the people we know and trust that use the site regularly are telling us they can’t login tells us this is something that is probably affecting a lot of others. Obviously we can’t be helping each user one by one, much less even identify them. Unfortunately, many of them are going to try and login, get denied, and give up forever.
So, the bottom line is that the Stop Spammer Registration can’t only be used for registration? That is HAS to be also monitoring all logins and comments as well? Here’s a feature request to only have it be used for what the plugin is called, ‘Stop Spammer Registration’, because unfortunately, sadly, we can’t use it as is. Perhaps we just have too many members to make this plugin feasible.