• Hi,

    I have upgraded to 2.3 and cannot login.

    I am stuck with the:

    ERROR; WordPress requires Cookies but your browser does not support them or they are blocked

    message in the login box. I have tried:
    1. Assuming it was a bad password and phpMyAdmin edited the Amin account using an MD5 generator to change my password.
    2. Re-booted
    3. Emptied my browsers satchel, brief case, lunch box, cache, settings
    4. Tried two other browsers, also reset them
    5. Tried a download of the .ZIP instead of the UX flavour-compress in case one was snapped.
    6. Followed the instructions for deleting all my WP (NOT just over-writing as per the initial install), then re-uploaded all fresh shiny 2.3
    7. Praying.
    8. Swearing at my keyboard

    All stubbornly leave me with:

    ERROR; WordPress requires Cookies but your browser does not support them or they are blocked.

    This is VERY soon after 2.3 went live so I know I may not get a reply right away, but, if there is some kind soul who knows that this is, pretty plesase, can you reply?

    I am 100% stuck.

    PS, this support request is like this thread:
    but that one says it’s not a support request, which is why I posted this.

    THANK you in advance whoever you turn out to be =:-)

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  • I’ve just downloaded the latest version of 2.3 and have these problems too. Tried all the suggestions but to no avail. I’m amazed WP still haven’t fixed it.

    Where can I get an older more stable version of WP from?

    I’ve had the same problem on a clients site, solved it with removing the permalink option in the htaccess file.

    I had this problem and had to delete the wp-contact-form plugin, log-in and then re-install. What could a plugin do to break this login system?

    So far nothing has worked for me. I tried every trick that I can find on the web. One of recipe I tired worked for one night. It didn’t work the next morning. It has nothing to do browsers. I tired the latest IE, FireFox and Opera. I have two WP blogs on the same host. They both have been working well for a long time. I upgraded one to 2.31 which is not working now. The other one is running fine with the old 2.1. Since there isn’t any change made, the configuration doesn’t play a role here.

    With a “www” or not before the web address makes different to the 2.3.1 not working site. With 2.1, with or w/o “www” both works fine. Thus it points to the issue with WP 2.3.1. Will really appreciate if anyone can help.

    There has been so many sites with the issue. Have a look at search:


    POSSIBLE SOLUTION. Whenever I see this error now, I have a plugin that is conflicting somehow. This process works for me every time and hasn’t let me down:

    1. FTP or file manager to /wp-content
    2. rename /plugins to /pluginX (or whatever)
    3. goto https://www.blogname.com/wp-admin/ in browser
    4. login (you should be able to now)
    5. rename /pluginX (or whatever) back to /plugins
    6. in browser, goto PLUGINS via admin
    7. select DEACTIVATE ALL PLUGINS at bottom of plugins list
    8. begin activating plugins one at a time to see what errors out
    9. when a plugin errors out either delete it via FTP, or find an upgrade if available – if no upgrade, leave deleted and see if blog functions correctly without it

    Really, once you’ve identified the plugin that is causing the error you either have to upgrade it or leave it off the blog. Sux I know and I’ve been through this with every damned update so far (just had to do it to discover WP.com Stats plugin when I upgraded to 2.3.3…).


    I am having the same issue everyone is having. I’ve tried the patch, i’ve tried commenting out the 24,313,314 lines and nothing seems to be working for me. The frustrating part is i don’t know what caused this. I last recall in my control panel changing some wording for the blog (that wasn’t going to affect my server or anything major) and next thing it is not working. So i have reinstalled my wordpress 2.3.1. Then went to the https://example.com/blog/wp-admin/install.php site to activate. It says i already have a DB. I am afraid of deleting my DB, afraid i’ll lose my comments. Right now i’ve lost my pictures because of the install, my comments look like they are still there though. This is quite frustrating because the more i try and fix it, the more i break it.

    hey everyone, soon after i posted, i got my site working again!!
    I used the wp-login.php that ryan suggested, i put the patch , sitecookie.diff in the directory right under blog (blog is in subdirectory) and it’s working!!

    I’ve tried everything in here. Im still haveing this cookie problem as well. I originally had it installed in a subdirectory, so I deleted the database and all wpmu files and did a fresh installed in root. I even tried the one about posting a comment on the first post. Problem still there.

    Installing to a local ubuntu 6.06.2 server. WPMU 1.3.3

    No firewalls on this side of the LAN between me and the server.

    Ok, so I’ve done all sorts of things.. differant names for the subdirectory… chown to www-data on everything and chmod 777 on everything… thinking maybe it was a rights thing. Nope.

    What finally worked was during the setup, I put in the IP address of the server instead of the DNS name. When i first put in the DNS name everything seemed to work fine… except of course the inability to login to wp-admin because of cookies. Switching to the IP address fixed the problem.

    So I can still use the DNS name in a link to the site because it resolves correctly to the IP. But then WordPress changes the URL from the DNS name to the IP. This works for me because its an intranet site and not available to the public.

    Hope that helps someone else out there.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, one other tid bit. Before I reinstalled with just the IP in the server name. I COULD login to wp-admin without a cookie error using Konqueror on the actual webserver.

    Johan Benjaminsson


    I had the same problem and just wanted to share my solution. My text editor set all documents to UTF8 by default and for some reason wordpress din’t like that. when i changed backed every single F-ing document to ANSI all worked like a charm. To change the encoding format for a document, look in your text/html -editor for fomat and set it to ANSI.



    WP folks, what’s the status on this??? This seems like a big deal. I’ll add my name to the list of users who got burned by the update. I tried many of the suggested fixes listed in this forum but with no success. I finally had to restore via backup with all my old 2.2 files … I have to say this is the only negative experience I’ve had with WP, so I hope we can resolve this one.

    Interestingly, a colleague of mine who updated her own personal WP site to 2.3 had no problems, but she updated hers using her host’s WordPress “wizard” to install the files automatically. Sounds like most folks in this forum who’ve had problems installed the update directly via FTP.



    Just installed WordPress for the first time – latest ‘stable’ version per the download page (2.3.3?).

    I can log in using a Safari browser to Admin account or other test user accounts. But I can’t do this via Internet Explorer – i’m getting the error that many are seeing on this thread ‘ERROR: WordPress requires Cookies but your browser does not support them or they are blocked.’

    I find it very strange that IE has this problem but not Safari – any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.



    Just thought I would try Firefox too – this works with no problems.

    Should have said that I have also found the whitespace problem mentioned in this thread i.e. an extra line at the end of the php file. I have deleted that and re-uploaded that file. Again – not working.

    So frustrating……



    hi, i had a problem like this to.
    my solution was to go to phpMyAdmin, and go to option, and check your site adres an blog home are correct.
    mine had index.php appended, also my stylesheet was linked to https://example.com/index.php/wp-admin/wp-admin.css?version=2.3.3 and cookie path was /index.php/

    i am sure this whole problem has something to do with the coockie path…

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