• I’m just trying to learn WordPress. I just installed a theme (spc-flex). I logged in to the admin panel — and started noodling around. One thing I did was delete the links already put into my blogroll. Then I left my computer for a while.

    Now, I want to log into the admin panel again. But now I don’t have a login button to click on my homepage. I guess when I deleted blogroll links, I somehow eliminated the login button at the same time.

    How can I log in to the admin panel — how can I restore the login button to the blog home page?

    Why is WordPress so hard? Every step is like wading through molasses. I thought this was supposed to be easy software to learn.

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Try going to the /wp-admin/ directory. Ex:


    To restore the login link, add this to your theme’s Sidebar template:

    <?php wp_loginout(); ?>

    More info:


    Why is WordPress so hard? Every step is like wading through molasses. I thought this was supposed to be easy software to learn.

    WordPress isn’t necessarily hard. After all, you were the
    one to delete the login link, not WordPress. There are plenty of guides and documentation to get you started. Start here:


    Why is WordPress so hard? Every step is like wading through molasses. I thought this was supposed to be easy software to learn.

    It’s a complex subject. Think about it: this is an engine that creates web pages. WordPress is far from perfect, but I assure you it’s one of the most logical CMS/blog systems out there. It has an excellent ratio of ease to power. A simpler system could not be as flexible and customizable.

    Don’t give up. It sounds like you’re not new only to WordPress but also to PHP and possibly other of the technologies that WordPress combines. Hang in there and try to develop a sense of humorous curiousity.

    Thread Starter joshua7one


    Thanks for the words of encouragement. Yes, I am a novice at HTML, PHP and any other kind of web design software. But I’m determined to get it. I am working through the Codex. Is there any other book I could be reading to help me get up to speed?

    I have found the Sidebar template. There are about 60 lines of code there. Can I drop that “loginout” line anywhere — or does it need to go in a certain place?

    Looks like I need to study the entries re PHP and re Template Tags. Thanks for the help — and the good words.

    Moderator James Huff


    If you look closely as the code of the sidebar and compare it to the visual output of your sidebar, you may see sections in the code, such as “Archives”, “Categories”, and “Meta”. If they aren’t present in your theme’s Sidebar template, you should be able to see them in the Sidebar template of the default theme. Just place the template tag for the login link under the section that you want it to appear from. Or, using the code of the other sections as a guide, create your own section. 48% of theme editing is copy and paste, another 48% is trial and error, and the remaining 4% covers everything else.

    You may find these guides to be helpful in some way:


    Thread Starter joshua7one


    The first response post above (12-20-05, 00:07) tells me to go to wp-admin and find the sidebar template. The last response post above (12-20-05, 22:02)tells me that in that sidebar template, I should be able to find sections (Archives, Categories, etc.).

    Using my cpanel File Manager, I find two different sidebar files:
    (1) public_html/wp-admin/sidebar.php.
    (2) public_html/wp-content/themes/scp_flex/sidebar.php.

    No. 1 appears to be the file I was referred to (in wp-admin). However, No. 2 appears to have the “sections” I was referred to.

    No. 1 contains a whole lot of unfathomable code, but no reference to Archives, or Links, for example.

    No. 2 seems to contain the sections you mentioned. It contains this code {not the exact code, just enough to give you the idea}: <h2Links>,

      ; <h2> Archives,
      ; <h2> Categories,
      ; etc.

    Into which one should I insert my login template tag? Why do I have two different sidebar files?

    Please hang in there with me. I’m trying to learn — but this is a lot to grasp. And all I’m trying to do so far is log on!

    Well, every time I try to climb out, I just end up digging myself deeper. I decided that rather than wait for answers to the above, I would just delete the spc-flex theme and re-upload it — so I would have it back in its original version. I opened up File Manager and deleted the spc-flex theme. Then, I uploaded it again — presumably I accomplished all of that fine.

    But now I have NOTHING showing at my URL. Just a blank screen. I’m guessing that now the problem is that I have no theme set as my current theme. However, I can’t set a theme without logging onto my dashboard (which is how I started this thread in the first place — I can’t log on) — and now I not only do not have a logon template tag — I don’t have ANYTHING showing. I can’t get to my dashboard!!!

    I’m really not a dummy. As a matter of fact, I’m fairly intelligent and fairly competent in many software programs. All software takes a little noodling around to get familiar with, but most software is set up in such a way that you can’t do too much damage while you’re learning.

    But WordPress is treacherous! One false move, and you are plummeting off a cliff. I am only able to do this in my spare time — and each time I take a stab at it — I put myself back a couple of days waiting for a volunteer’s assistance to grope my way back to the path. This 5-minute install has now taken me several weeks — and I still haven’t got to the point where I have posted my first blog.

    Please don’t tell me to switch to Blogger. I WANT to learn WordPress. The enthusiasm about it seems widespread — and I want to get in on a good thing. But I’ve got to express my frustration.

    Anyway, if anybody out there can help me — I would be extremely grateful.

    I opened up File Manager and deleted the spc-flex theme. Then, I uploaded it again — presumably I accomplished all of that fine.

    Use a FTP client, it’s much better than the File Manager things offered by hosts.
    Are you sure you uploaded the theme to the right place?

    I used the FTP Manager on my cpanel to do the upload — and yes, it appears to have uploaded alright. Using File Manager, I am able to see the spcflex theme in the right place — as well as the default and classic themes. I’m guessing that the problem is that now none of those three themes is chosen as the default theme — so none of them are making my website presentable. Does that make sense? And, if I recall correctly, I need to go to my dashboard to select a theme — and i can’t get to my dashhboard, because I have no place to log in.

    You can always access your admin by adding “/wp-admin” to the end of your blog’s address – as it was said above.

    Hey…that does the trick. Thanks! Now, would you please back up a few posts and give me some guidance re the sidebar file and restoring my loginout tag (although, based on what you just taught me, I see that I don’t really need a loginout tag at all). Thanks!

    Now that I can get into my dashboard, I went to Presentations to re-select scpflex as my theme. It says: “The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template. Stylesheet is missing.” However, it appears that all of the files that I uploaded are present — including style.css (5k). What gives? Shall I try deleting and re-uploading all over again?

    Select the default or classic. If the blog works – you are at least one step ahead ??
    I am not familiar with that theme (there are over 400 themes now)… but possible causes for that error message:
    – corrupted file(s)
    – stylesheet missing criritcal info at the top section
    – error in the theme’s code

    Yes, the blog is working now — with the default theme. I had the scp-flex theme loaded up before, and it was working fine — before I managed to delete the user loginout tag, which started me down this rabbit trail. Anyway, I guess I have resolved the problem that started this thread (can’t login), so guess I will start a new thread to try to figure out why I can’t get my theme to work. Thanks very much for your help.

    I am new, and after installation, I get the message and comment,
    but login returns an error message that password is incorrect.
    I’ve had three or four new passwords for birriblog without success.

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